It's not sidewinder. You didn't look for Part 2 of shocking truth in search, did you? Maps: O.K. Corral, Purple Reign, Moonbase Alpha.
I'll probably be the only person to say this, but I absolutely loved Water Works. It was the perfect map for BTB, and it was also an extremely strategical. A remake of that map would be awesome.
Why can't Moonbase Alpha be Sidewinder. Obviously they aren't going to have the same names... :squirrel_nono:
Purple Reign = Either Chill out or Midship, both are very small competitive maps. O.K. Corral could be some small little town out in Africa from the Campaign. The Remake is hopefully Hang'Em High although they remade it with Tombstone in Halo 2, which wasn't all that great. The original was much better. I am really thinking its going to be headlong.
Devon, dude calm down. Did you even read my last post? Talk about a hypocrite. We know its Moonbase Alpha, who's to say that Moonbase Alpha isn't a remake? Obviously its not going to have the same name.
Didn't they say there was gonna be a remake somewhere in this next map pack? So either one of those is a remake, or the map pack will have 4 maps.
Death Island would be teh greatest. I hope to see more info on the DLC map pack 2. I still want meh damn sidewinder
I cant wait for moonbase alpha. sounds awesome! (and not just because we share half a name!) It sounds like a totally new innovation, what with the ability to close off parts of the map and what not. I just hope there is some open spaces. And OK corral sounds good, aslong as its not really cramped and stuff.
OK Corral sounds like Lockout. (no not a remake of Lockout, just what your experiencing when you play Lockout)
It cannot be Lockout, sorry for who ever thought but they remade Lockout which is now called Guardian. Hang em High also cannot be it because they made Tombstone. Headlong would be nice, Ivory Tower would be cool. And by the SargeantSarcasm when they said " I hope its not water works" and you said "I already have Power Plant" isnt it called Electric Company.