Well im not very good and I try to get good but it doesnt work out. so heres what i've done with what I can do. [not in order] FIRST ever sig with GIMP okay well tell me what you think.
Nice job.Its pretty hard to make decent sigs with Gimp seeing the lack of brushes. But personally I really liek the assasin 54 one.The backround just fits in so good its looks beastly.
thanks playerhata. that is my best one so far. i hope to get better because im getting photoshop soon.
unfortunately, as it's currently configured your sig is too big max size is 200wide 500tall, like mine VV
These are really good for first try. My first try turned out in a deletion of the program. I cannot use it for the life of me and you.
wow, you say it as if i do it all the time, the only time i ever do it, is in my sig shop, and thats so i can post people sigs, so quit your wining, this is off topic....
tsk tsk This may be a sub-forum of off topic but posts do count here I've only looked at your sig shop once, and I agree it's fine there, but I think I saw you do it in general chat so please, unless its needed, or its in the actual off topic forum don't do it ♪(the more you know!)♪
ok ok, i agree double posting on something like this can be extremely bad, and the world might end, but i was mainly pissed about the way you said stop double posting as if i do it all the time oh, and leave the moderating up to a mod, if they think its a problem, i would rather them say something than you kk [edit] sorry ass squared [lolzors] for ruining you thread, the sigs are awesome, love the first few, maybe i could help you out some time over xbl silly nubzorhaxor
ok ok, who gave me the rep, i'm not gonna give who ever did it bad rep, i just want to see if the person is a little loser
Your text is ugly...maybe blend it in and make it a similar color to the sig? Also, your colors contrast in a lot of your sigs...I'm not telling you to make everything monotone, but maybe stick with pretty colors? Not ugly colorz. :[