New Halo 3 maps?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by sparten45, Jan 19, 2008.

  1. sparten45

    sparten45 Ancient
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    ***Update*** ***Update*** ***This is from the bungie weekly update of 2/8
    The next batch of Halo 3 maps continue to chug along in various stages along their development cycle. Cotton Balls skybox continues to fill out, now giving players who paid attention in Halo 3 some pretty exhilarating context in regards to “where� they are. Frankie says “the skybox has been there all along, you’re just too blind and stupid to see it – abres los ojos.� I wanted to include a really, REALLY small screenshot, but PR would react as though the brown note had been sounded from the Apocalypse Trumpet.

    Additionally, there have been some large, guarding, ominous and natural structures added to the background, stretching upwards into the heavenly skybox. The towering natural spires are foreboding and moody. They are correct.

    OK Corral is getting slathered with layer upon layer of polish, just this week while playing another of our near-daily “Battles for Ultimate Destiny� Frankie and I noticed a ton of new visual highlights and decorators being added. What began as an abandoned shed in the middle of a partially overgrown thicket has progressed into something quite different.

    Walls are marked with scoring from explosions, cement slabs have been blown apart by fierce explosions, one room in particular, with its God-rays streaming in from a plant, covered dome has been the site of some terrible carnage. An explosion ripped a whole in the floor, stripped part of the walls and blew out an entire wall. Another explosion shelled parts of wall off, displaying wooden struts and heavily water-damaged cement underneath. Outside, more blast scoring and water damage stains the cement and foliage growth will give players an idea of just how abandoned OK Corral has become.

    Again, I really wanted to include a small image, especially of this particular area, but Frank said no.

    So the second DLC pack is at a stage we call Content Complete, which means that everything is done and all that remains is test and tweak. The real names have all been decided and we just finished the map descriptions. They’re still a little ways off – thanks to the rigors of the test process.
    ********************************************************************Update Over**********************************************************

    :squirrel_chatting: Well I was on my laptop and at bungie they where talkin about 3 new maps. But they were talkin about nick-names they have for it the nicknames are- Purple Rain, OK Coral, Cottenball. Here is a brieph description of the new maps- (I didnt type it).


    I’ll talk about the biggest one first. And it’s HUGE. For the purposes of this, we’ll codename it Cottonball. I guess a game of Big Team Snipers would be possible, but anything else would be comical without vehicles. This is very much a large scale objective game map – designed first and foremost with CTF and Assault in mind. The map is almost, but not-quite-perfectly symmetrical. Some natural geology prevents each base from being a simple mirror image of the other. I say natural, but the map is set on a Halo, so, natural’s not exactly correct.

    The map leads to the kind of long, drawn out megabattles that hearken back to the days of the original Halo and the crucial to and fro of an epic LAN party. Its inclusion of a surprising vehicle or two may make it even more interesting than it already sounds.

    I’ve played this a lot (although less, by necessity than the other two) and I have found a couple of very compelling and addictive rhythms. The map is large enough so that even when a team makes off with your flag, there’s still a lot of ground you can use to catch up. The other is that each side has some wonderful shortcuts – natural and mechanical – that may not make great flag escape routes, but might let a mobile pursuer cut off escapees.

    And I know I am in the minority on this – but I sometimes have trouble knowing precisely where I am headed on a more confusing map – I would call out Epitaph as an example –often I will burst through a door thinking I am headed to say, the Active Camo power up, only to find I am not where I thought I was. For some reason, massive and labyrinthine as it is, this new map never confuses me. I always know which way is up – and that fact has saved my bacon and our flag, several times.

    “Purple Reign�

    The next one, we’ve already codenamed Purple Reign, may be the last one to get a graphical addition – as one of our artists had an inspired and simple idea at the last second. Technically it’s content complete, but hey, it wouldn’t hurt to add something small and fascinating.

    The map, as we’ve mentioned before, is perfectly symmetrical, slightly too big to be small and slightly too small to be medium. It has some excellent line of sight and well thought-out verticality problems and opportunities. Bridges make short work of long open sections and a central hub is sure to be fought over. Perhaps one of the most interesting features is the use of one-way glass. Iridescent material can disguise your location while you spy on approaching bad guys.

    The map is too confined for genuine cat and mouse activity at those chokepoints and a warren of claustrophobic lower areas makes high ground and control essential. Luckily there are several ways to get up top, from careful jumps to spiraling ramps. Luke and I have played a huge number of one on one matches here – often in SWAT to keep the duration sensible, but it’s a map that really encourages showdowns and it’s a remarkably fun place to trade BR fire and hurl elegant, predictive Plasma nades for hundreds of yards.

    Although it’s built for Slayer, the objective games work beautifully too. If frenetically – lots of dropped flags and frantic attempts to reset while ‘nades assplode all around you.

    “OK Corral�

    The third and final map, that we’ve nicknamed OK Corral, is a medium-to-large, asymmetrical map that I LOVE playing Slayer on. It’s just big enough to support vehicles, but in a Mongoose, it’s effectively a confined deathtrap. Vehicles are only to be used in emergencies. This map scales pretty well though – in a one-on-one match, there are obvious places to fight close to the center of the map – but the more players there are, the more they tend to sprawl into the outer reaches of the maps, complete with collapsed buildings, wreckage-strewn structures and lots of rebar.

    Sniping spots are numerous, but that’s not really what the level is about. What it is about is mastering routes from one end to the other, and knowing high from low. There is nothing scarier than seeing a red dot appear on your radar and not knowing whether that person is above you, or around the next corner. Some interesting use of floor geometry means you might be able to spot someone on high, but not quite have the angle for a shot.

    Hope this helps :) :squirrel_rocking:
  2. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Cottonball is starting to sound just like Sidewinder.

    -"it’s HUGE" (that's what she said) - edit: rusty eagle

    -"designed first and foremost with CTF and Assault in mind. The map is almost, but not-quite-perfectly symmetrical. Some natural geology prevents each base from being a simple mirror image of the other."

    -"The map is large enough so that even when a team makes off with your flag, there’s still a lot of ground you can use to catch up. The other is that each side has some wonderful shortcuts – natural and mechanical"

    -"he map leads to the kind of long, drawn out megabattles that hearken back to the days of the original Halo"

    Of course, I'm just being hopeful. (Sidewinder was my favorite map)
  3. ak1knight

    ak1knight Ancient
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    didn't they say that one of the maps was gonna be a remake? maybe Cottonball IS Sidewinder
  4. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    Hey uh. The new maps are cool and all, but don't post the same thread twice.
  5. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    OF COURSE IT IS! Here's the most shocking proof...

    Both names are 3 syllables each...

    of course I'm just being hopeful... I never played Sidewinder...
  6. xUM Cassgo 305

    xUM Cassgo 305 Ancient
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    These maps sound pretty cool. I wonder if good for Forge.
  7. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Lol sarge... Uber funny!! [/sarcasm]

    But you dont know what your missing out on with sidewinder..
  8. d3v0nst8r

    d3v0nst8r Ancient
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    Spartan, if you managed to list ALL that stuff, you have GOT to be a bungie employee.
  9. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Yea i thought the same thing when reading the update.
    Cottonball seems the most like sidewinder.

    Plus, a cottonball is white and poofy, like snow!

    The other maps sound pretty awesome also...
    I hope they are flexible in Forge.
  10. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    This line really throws me. Up until then it sounds just like sidewinder. Labyrinthine is definitely not what sidewinder was, it was a simple, therein lies its genius. I can only think it's sidewinder except the centre indoor area is much more complex, although messing with such a classic is heresy.

    And purple reign sounds just like midship. Like, exactly. But we know that snowball is the only remake in the pack. Something seems fishy.
  11. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Purple reign, since i first read about it on bungie, has started to sound like Midship, and even though they say its not a remake, they either A lied or B its a spiritual sucessor, like the guardian/lockout thing.
  12. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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  13. sparten45

    sparten45 Ancient
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    Ya i heard 2 of them are featuring new scenery
  14. sparten45

    sparten45 Ancient
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    My dad works for bungie. I could give more info on the maps but my dad would kill me
  15. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    I tried to draw how I predict Purple Reign will look like but couldn't. I predict it will be a giant spiral going upwards. Bridges will connect the sides. This is the best I could draw:

    Sort of like a slinky slightly stretched out with bridges.

    I think O.K. Corral will be something like this:
    (It seems to sort of fit the descriptions from Bungie and there was that and many other similar pictures like that when I Googled "O.K. Corral".
  16. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Maybe all these maps here are new, and there will be remakes to go along with them? They don't have to put just three maps in a map pack you know.
  17. Buckshot

    Buckshot Ancient
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    ohhh... sidewinder would be awesome!
  18. bornslayer05

    bornslayer05 Ancient
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    honestly all other maps or map remakes aside i would be happy with justa exact copy of lockout, greatest map ever. personally i don't think that any of the maps in h3 have truly reached the peak that is lockout lol.
  19. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    i just wanna forge in cottonball.
    really badly
  20. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Its too bad that bungie is against exact remakes.

    I mean, i could be wrong, but would it really be that hard to just spiffy up the graphics on the maps, and release and "Halo 2 Map Pack" with exact remakes, just 360 graphics on them?

    Im not a programmer, but i imagine it wouldnt be that hard. All the fans would be happy.

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