Download - Confined Spaces V2 Confined Spaces Version 2 Welcome to Version Two of Confined Spaces. People told me what they wanted to see in Version Two. They wanted... Better Power Weapon Placement Cover Fixed Spawn Points Help to Aviod Spawn Killing No Wraith Better Farside Base (the one with the wraith) Now I was able to address alot of these Issues. Here is now a list of fixes, then we'll get to some new screenshots at the End. The Wraith has been Compleately Removed, along with the 2 fence walls that housed it. More on that with the screenshots. The Spawn Points were all removed, and redone. The problem was the spawn points were set to teams, not neuteral. So players found themselfs spawning in the same area each time they died. This has been fixed, as well as spawn points added away from the base's, in pre-designated "safe zones" , so the fusion coils shouldnt kill you as you spawn. As for the cover, I quite litterely sat in forge mode for 2 hours, looking around the level, thinking of how i could add extra cover on the field, without reducing the chaos. I couldnt think of anything... Instead i added "huts" all around the perimiter of the danger zone. These Huts double as spawn/starting points. I have also taken the Power Weapons from inside the base's armory & Hallways and spread them out throughout the huts. And Now Screenshots! The Vehicle & Outside Base is the only thing that remains virtually unchanged. Each Base's Armory has been stripped of everything except a Rocket Launcher, and the Instant - Nade Spawn The Hallway's have only had One FRG Stripped. It still remains a powerhouse, but you have a less likely chance of spawning here. The Left Side base remains untouched except for its loss of all equipment items except the Deployable Cover The Right Side Base has been compleatly remodeled and features everything the Left Base has. It also contains a "Secret Teleporter" That leads you to Blue Base. The New Hut Homes. Simple, But they do protect you from the enviroment. The Initial Chaos Has Not Been Lost. Become the King of the Hill! Comment, Rate, Download! Download - Confined Spaces V2
I like version 2 much better. The reduced weapons and equipment makes it alot more fun but keeps the carnage an chaos the same. I'm glad the spawns are fixed as this was a big problem. The hutts are very simple and maybe you could put a little more effort into them. They basically trap you and don't help. I suggest geomerging walls into the ground so that they stick out at crouch height. Then add a slanted roof made from a doublewall that rests againt foundry's wall. Keep it up a little so the people in the bunkers can peek out of the hutt
Looks fun I love chaos I'll download and tell you what I think of the game play. Great job. DOWNLOADED
King of the Hill? More like King of Hell with the choas that happens here! Very good, BIG improvements!
i have one question for you... why would you put a sheild door on the Vehicles how would they get out? but still a really good job with the map ill dl
looks pretty good, dont see anything wrong with it ill give it a try x3 I like where the veicle spawns how u have to jump to get out xD
Fusion Coils Constantly Get Launched at the base. The Shield Door is there to protect the vehicles and persons inside from getting blown up before their time. (10 seconds later) The Ramps & stairs are there to help get vehicles out of the base. Someone asked me in a PM, why are there stairs, and a bridge leading out? That is because some vehicles travel better over different terrign. The ghost for instance cannot travel up stairs to save its life. so its on the bridge side. human vehicles have traction and climb stairs better.