High's n Lows Download - Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Created By : Patt06 Boom! Double Kill! Slideshow - Story : After long and hard fighting had ended in New Mombosa, the marines of Sgt. John Highlenger would soon be moving out to their new operations zone in the African plains overlooked by Mt. Kilamonjaro (near the Ark). More heavy fighting would ensue and many of the young Sarge's marines would be killed early on. Three weeks into the battle for the Ark the fighting would be the heaviest and most fierce of all the marines had seen. Of the 456 marines and officers that were first engaged, only 138 marines, and 9 officers were left. For their armor, they had been reduced to only 1 tank division consisting of only 6 Scorpion heavy tanks. Sgt. Highlenger new that the worst was coming and didn't need anymore casualties. So on 1801 hrs. the 44 men of his company would move out into the darkness and retreat to the ruins of New Mombosa. There he could re-organize and assist the damage done to his company. But after just 2 days of rest, the remaining soldiers of the division holding off near Voi was pushed back into New Mombosa as well. Now the Covenant was on their door step once again and many brave men would be either KIA, or taken prisoner. The last recording of the battle is here --------- "Sir! We have to keep moving..^^<<<>>>>^^<<>>^^..com..on^^^>><<>>^^lets go!!" "I need air support now g-- damit! We can't^^^<<>>^^^ pingg. "Sarge?!..Sarge!..Oh no!..Sarge is doww..ping ping...Oh **** man we're gettin picked off by their snipers!...any idea o.."keep your head down.." of where they are?! ting ting..^^<<>^^ No...I....)) END.. The 314th division was never seen again and for all we know they could still be alive in the hands of the Covenant. But, the stories of them will be told for Centuries to come. The End Now for the Map in Detail. The map is based off of the buildings and layouts in Halo 2's famous New Mombosa. The are city streets, small allyways, and tall sniper spots for players to get on. The weapons are evenly spread through the map accompanied by a Warthog and Ghost. The gametypes playable include territories, CTF, FFA, Team Slayer, OddBall, and King of the Hill. Map Layout More Action Shots Thanks for your time and I hope you enjoy the map. Download - Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
i like it! could maybe do with some interlocking in places to make it look tidier. i think it could play well. Cant beat close combat warthogs oh and interesting story
looks nice and vertical with many ways to go. It's open in a good way. One thing though, can you show us the weapon layout? I want to know where rocket launcher and sword are.
I have to say congrats on a very well done map. The layout is intresting and original. You used only what you needed for interlocking (which is always a relief to see in an interlock happy community). If weapons were laid out correctly (cough weapons list cough) i think this map would play very well. It would be cool to see what you could come up with if you made a map foucused on using interlocking. Keep up the good work!
Well, it looks very good. But, I do not like the fence walls used as steps and boxes not being interlocked together because grenades get stuck in them and you bounce when you walk over them. Other than that there's nothing really wrong with it. 4.5/5 only because I've seen a little better.
This looks like an extremely imaginative map. Hopefully there are supple grav lifts, because it looks like it's hard to get back up. EDIT: Aw hellz yeah, I'm an exterminator!
looks pretty good hard to tell with your pics cause there arent enough pics and the slideshows pics r to smalle
i like maps that have highs and lows like this. however, this map looks like there could be more. i dont see very much boxes, which leads me to believe that there are some left and that you could spice up your map with them. add maybe a better base or a middle floor between the top and bottom. these are suggestions, but you used the infinite money glitch right??
looks ok, but the post was a little confusing. what with the screenshot, then a slide show, then story, then description, then foundry designer pics, then more screenshots, i had a hard time picking out key info on the map the first look through. but it looks alright. 4/5 for me.
looks good, thers allot of cover and use of differant level, look well made and fun to play, it has an interesting layout so im going to dl good job