Uhh....I don't really see any hate comments here, and people are actually contributing to the post in some small way, their comments aren't necessarily spam...
haha, Pwnd. Oh emm Gee, srly wazo wrong with the wayz i Speaketh? IMO, i dont think this will accomplish anything but a bunch of people making fun of the thread by actually writting in 1337 speak. Im expection a NO U to pop up somewere in this thread now.
If you hate using numbers,mispellings or any other "laziness" to type then you clearly have never EVER played an MMO. In the middle of a fight do you really think people have time to type as opposed to "hEALS 4 PETS NAO" Its not ridiculous that people got used to typing like that,its faster and raises productivety,and if you cant read it thats hardly our fault.Its not difficult if youminus all the "//"'s form penguinish's posts And its not even a big problem in forgehub,the main ones using "l33tspeak" are the one sentance sapmmers or people making fun of them. I honestly have no idea what "evil" you guys think you are thwarting....unless you turn into a bunch of grammar ****'s in which case youll be on zstrikes hitlist
I hate them also, but I just ignore them mostly. Plus every once in a while its nice to assume my 5UP3r 53CR3T 1D3n7|7Y ololololololololololololoolololooll