Tunnels IxGUNxSLINGERxI Supported Gametypes: BTB conquest Map Description this is a map designed for BTB conquest. I made this map from only using the main out side ring of rats nest and a very small portion of the inside tunnels. Recommended players 12-16 _________________________________________________ This is where you start your journey Warthogs are beastly Never mind Don't worry you can still survive on foot..... ....as long as you crouch Make sure you get insurance Use the tunnels there somewhat safe A boom Just a badass picture Another badass pic _________________________________________________ Thanks to all that helped me test i know we played it a crap load of times but it had to be done sorry =/ Download Map Tunnels Download BTB conquest
Very interesting map you have here GunSlinger. It seems that Rats Nest excels at unorthadox gametypes. I will have to download this and see how it plays, but as i said, looks very interesting.
Hey i remember playing this when you invited me using the FH GT , this is a really fun map you got a DL from me. The vehicles never seemed to keep spawning and the tide of the rounds kept turning so fast it never really got boring. Great job 5/5! btw , whats the difference between the normal conquest v3 and BTB conquest? just different party sizes?
not too sure exactly what makes it interesting but i can't be the one to say because i've never played it. i would like to try it out some time. my GT is Oddisey
BTB Conquest? orly? I like the idea Gun, and I'm glad to see someone using Rat's Nest, very few attempt much of anything here, great job man, we'll have to get down on this sometime =] Also, you need to make a video you nub =P
don't worry there will be a video but you might have to wait a little im having some technical difficulty's.
nice job on the map gun i remember playing this and it was real fun with all the vehicle carnage right in the middle. i hope to play this again soon with you.
looks quite good, its a good take on rats nest, looks fun and very chaotic from the pics, a drawn overview would b cool because i cant c much of the map, looks good ill giv it a go
Um Gun.. When did you make this? It must have tooken forever!! Nice work man, VERY clean and orginal. I like how you make maps for Conquest. Your like the Forgehub conquest masta!
the ONE time i played this it was poopy but i really liked what you had going. plus it was only poopy because people were lagging out and all the spawns werent 100% fixed, but even then i liked it, and im sure it plays VERY well like all your other conquest maps. There's nothing like a little BTB Conquest on a map made by Gunslinger... it's just too epic to pass up.