Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by UnfixedSNIPERJ, Jul 5, 2008.

  1. UnfixedSNIPERJ

    UnfixedSNIPERJ Ancient
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    "The Oddball has moved and doesn't want to be found! Can you find him?"

    Download: [Map] [Gametype] You need both!!!

    By UnfixedSNIPERJ
    GT: UnfixedHACKERJ
    Tested By: Blindside xX

    Introductory: Hey everyone, it's Unfixed. I have finally finished UnfixedPUZZLEJ2. I have been working on it for a while, and it is time for you all to see it :D. This is the follow up to UnfixedPUZZLEJ, and trust me when I say this... It is VERY hard. This is probably one of the hardest maps I will ever make in the UnfixedPUZZLEJ series. A lot of people said that UnfixedPUZZLEJ was to easy, so I have amped it up, and made it super hard. The map is pretty long as well, with plenty of rooms.

    Difficulty: Hard-Expert (Depending on your puzzle experience)

    Players: 1. (It really doesn't matter if people are there with you trying to figure it out, but you can't like jump off of peoples heads and use them as a way to get out of the rooms. You may find some glitches if more than one person is in the game redoing the rooms over and over though.

    Challenge: The first person to send me a video of them completing this map will be mentioned at the bottom of the thread (that includes all the threads I make on other websites). I will also give you a 48 hour!

    Time: I have know idea how long this map took, I would probably say 10-15 hours total?

    Construction: I basically put two room ideas on paper, and started from there. I then encountered some glitches on my previous map (UnfixedCENTRALJ) that gave me an idea for two other rooms. When I was building some rooms, I was bored and started messing around, which caused me to figure out yet another glitch. These glitches are ones that I don't think many people (if not any) know. So this map will challenge you, if not kill you :).

    Note: I have screenshots below, but I will not give you any hints until someone has completed the map. I will also release a walk threw video soon.


    I remember this! Least there aren't any man cannons!

    Screw you Unfixed and your cannoning of men.

    This room looks boring...

    Jump to save your life!

    I see a weapon! What do I do with it?

    Woah... this room is pretty odd... stupid Oddball

    Hey look a door! :D

    I hope you enjoy being is enclosed spaces

    Wow, you didn't even give me an A or B sign this time!?!?!

    Wait what? There is nothing here

    This room makes me feel sad :(

    Oh wow, you just had to do it Unfixed...

    This room will make you quit

    How do I get the Oddball from up there!

    I don't know... ask the Oddball

    Note: I left out some rooms in the screenshots. I tried to take cool screenshots, but it's hard to do that without giving rooms away, as well as taking them is small rooms.

    The rest is up to you to complete! Good luck! You will need it...

    That is basically it. If you have any suggestions to make this map better, or any future puzzles/mazes please don't hesitate to send me a PM! Have fun!!!

    P.S. If you need help, contact Blindside xX. He will help you.
    #1 UnfixedSNIPERJ, Jul 5, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2008
  2. BennyIV

    BennyIV Ancient
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    i cant see your pics are they embedded ?
  3. UnfixedSNIPERJ

    UnfixedSNIPERJ Ancient
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    Ya, the screenshot service I am using is being weird. They are transferring servers. I can see them now, but sometimes I can't.
  4. Phoenix619

    Phoenix619 Ancient
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    Just letting you know your pictures are not showing up and many people won't DL without pictures.
  5. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    Well, it's hard to judge the quality of the map when the pictures are borked.
  6. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    its good how you have lots of pictures but i cant view them
    anyway if i read it right it seems ok and i will dl because i like puzzlemaps
  7. gamer14tsb

    gamer14tsb Ancient
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    lets see which is harder, this or carnation v2

    edit: finally finished only took about 5 hours or so, i had help but some of those chalanges where more time consuming than hard especially the third one...
    #7 gamer14tsb, Jul 5, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2008
  8. jpitty

    jpitty Ancient
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    Okay, he knwos the pictures aren't working sometimes. We don't need 5 different people saying the same thing. But anyways I'm gonna DL even without pictures because I'm a fan of puzzle maps as well.
  9. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    dude. Try this site. i use it and it is very dependable. obviously not like the one your using. upload your pics and then copy the img code.
  10. UnfixedSNIPERJ

    UnfixedSNIPERJ Ancient
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    I don't like photobucket. I use tinypic.

    Alright everyone, I am using a new image host now. I only used that other host because it takes the images right from your fileshare, so you don't need to save and upload. I saved and uploaded anyway though, since they don't allow hotlinking anymore. :(.
  11. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    looks really good now that you fixed the pics. great job with the puzzle
  12. UnfixedSNIPERJ

    UnfixedSNIPERJ Ancient
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    ^ Thanks. Gamer... I saw the video you sent me. Good job :D. The 3rd room takes like 20 seconds if you simply punch the box and blow up the mongoose, then sit next to the BR. The box never goes away that fast when you stand near it or stare at it (idk why?). Anyway, good job, I sent you a 48 hours (all I have to offer). I will edit your name in all the posts soon :D. So ya, the challenge is over everyone, but there is still a very hard puzzle waiting for you!
    #12 UnfixedSNIPERJ, Jul 6, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2008
  13. gamer14tsb

    gamer14tsb Ancient
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    thank you i mainly tried to beat it because i didnt know what a 48 hour was but i see now and you made good on the offer i have recieved the code and im going to use it when i need one of my non gold freinds to check something out(like today, happy bungie day) i realised thath as soon as i went to the br the box went away. you would have laughed if you had heard what i was saying when i realized the i couldnt pick up the thing. it was right there i tried to roll it over to me as you saw. it was a good map and the only reason that i broke it was because i had just dont a jumping ap and there was a prodtuding fence was in a box that made me fall the some way that i had to jump off of. i think my way is actually harder. i also have tothank xinfamous2x he helped me on some things and i helped him with others. also is it ok if i use the boxed in thing for a puzzle map im trying to make? i realize that you did it first but it is a very good start location type thing. btw this was the first puzzle map i have ever completed without having to go to the maker and ask what im sapose to do, but because of that many of the glitches where fresh in my mind. i left out the 5-7 other hours of gameplay to make it easier to watch but somethings where random mistakes(i was so mad at myself at the end...) i almost made it to the teleporter ing the room with the door i would have if i had been able to jump off of a thrown turret like a thrown radar jammer. ill stop typing now as it is gettign long and i want to go back to working on my puzzle(3 rooms so far and it still took 2 people an hour and i wasx there telling them what to do...) map if you wan to see what it is so far just send me a freind request. thanks for the effor put into making it(also there is another way to break the map that i will tell you over pm once i figure out how to do so).
  14. bam3214

    bam3214 Ancient
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    looks like a great maze map. are you supposed to get the oddball from the you win sign and is it possible to get it from down there?
  15. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    Maze Power!!
    Doesn't look as hard as some of the other ones though.
  16. UnfixedSNIPERJ

    UnfixedSNIPERJ Ancient
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    Go ahead and use the room idea you where talking about. If you need help remessage me on Xbox Live :). (Private chat is best).
  17. jpitty

    jpitty Ancient
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    I guess I'm just a tad bit too late. I as well finished the map today. The one thing that I disliked was of how many times you had to use a mongoose, warthog, turret to get to the next room. Using those techniques in your map make it time consuming rather than just using your brain and actually having to think. It also shows to the players that you were too lazy to come up with new ideas on how to get out of a room. *Just my personal preference*
    I would of enjoyed it a lot better if I didn't also have to be looking at every inch of the wall to find a way to the next room.
    But nonetheless, good job.
  18. xInfamous2x

    xInfamous2x Ancient
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    hehe thats me!

    but yeah, the first/second part (killing yourself) took us awhile to understand.
    also the "jump to save you life" i was able to just crouch jump, however it is alot harder then the trick.
    ..hmm. overall i like the map alot. not as hard as re on carnation v2, but still alot of fun with less headaches :)

    if you up to try other peoples Mind Puzzles feel free to check mine out, its called Infamind2 :)

    good job! hope to see the oddball move yet again!
  19. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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    You really shouldn't use the turret through the wall trick on a puzzle map, it's not really a puzzle it is more like a scavenger hunt...
  20. Ali Legend

    Ali Legend Ancient
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    Looks good. Puzzle maps aren't very original ideas but this one looks very good.. and hard XD

    Qued for Download... got to have a go, even though I probably won't be able to pass the first room... I'll just look at the glitches in forge most probz :)

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