thats sad, he has someone whos following him with a camera thinking omfg, why am i friends with this kid.
that's what I though. I was all like "What would the camera-person be thinking now? Or is it his mum?".
You saw this in the bungie forums and posted it here. As if he hadnt been made fun enough on there...
Re:Ultra Virgin Wow just found this kid again but its worse then last time.he made his own chief suit and is running around the forest. Also check more of his videos for even more lols
Hey there yea i play rugby i love it just now my team is the best in are league and we can't get any higher so at the start of the new season in August im going to the under sixteens (Im 14 two year jump).
OMGF h3 forgt t3h sinpar rif13 wut a nub lolololololol wow, normally i would compare HPM to this kid, but in this one instance, i think that would be a bit too harsh...
That has got to be the scrawniest spartan ever haha. Funny how even though hes wearing a mask, he makes a X| face when he gently trows himself on the ground haha.
Drawingman gotz loyalz?!? :O Congratz... Anyway, I think this is really cool. No life, nerd, sure, I agree, but dang, for cardboard, tape, and spraypaint, thats awesome.
HOLY CRAP! HE RLY DID! KIDS ON FRONT PAGE OF BUNGIE! And all those peeps get Recon! Srly, Lord Mongoosew, recon! Body alphabet, recon! holy crap!
Yellow, you lie, Dev got front page, but no recon, and shock has made many front page news articles, still no recon.