Here's my story as a result of not having an XBOX My roommate bought some hot sauce, and I can tell you from experience that it's frekin' HOT! A kid tried it, only a drop of the stuff, and he almost cried, lol. This was halarious, so we got a plate and poured the sauce onto it. (it filled a quarter of the plate). We tried to get somebody else to lick it all up, but no takers...not even for ten bucks. People would try a dab of it, and would be wrinkling their nose and rushing for the milk. I had myself some of it too, the stuff was horrible. I could feel the oils in the back of my throat, and it cleaned out my nose too. And then for some reason I felt like drinking up the sauce in the plate. Don't ask me why. So my buddies brought me out into the hallway, and they gathered up an audience. I tasted a small bit of it again, as a last chance to back out, but I realized my tongue was already numb, and I couldn't taste it. I drank the stuff, and was then forced to lick the leftovers. I was like, this is so easy. Then 5 seconds later, it hit me. I knew I was in for some trouble. My mouth wasn't numb, a huge burning sensation was in my mouth, and I could feel it down my throat. Steam was literally coming out of my ears. I realized those saturday morning cartoons weren't exagerated. My face was the color of the sauce, and my eyes tearing. I rushed for my dorm, and frantically searched for milk. I couldn't find a cup, so I used a soup bowl and filled it up with milk, and chugged it twice. But still nothing. I ate some bread too. After a while it got better. BUT IT GETS WORSE! My friend then decides to tell me after the fact that I would be shitting all night, he was right. So I was sitting on the tolit for 2 hours, and trying my best to keep from vomiting. The first week, someone chugged down a "mystery drink" and threw up in his dorm (and it still stinks 3 weeks later) Luckily I got through the night. But the next morning I finally got it out of my system. My butthole was on fire, when I was crapping it out, it was not fun... Yeah so that's what I do for entertainment when I don't have an XBOX. ************************************************* I wanna hear everyone else's stories about their life without video games.
hm, well I generally dont destroy my insides with hot sauce. My stomach bug does that. been sick on and off for the past 11 weeks
I play Age of Conan, work, and hang out with friends. More or less the same stuff I do when I have an Xbox, minus playing Halo and the like.