TOOK 4 an half HOURS TO MAKE so PLEASE try it before giving negative feedback! This map was inspired by some of the MLG maps i like, we added 2 identical bases aswell as a middle base i guess you could call it, all spawns are set so you spawn close to YOUR base (red/blue) depending on what team you are, the map works with team slayer & CTF, recommended 8 gamers(players) also works for 2v2 aswell though, use MLG game types and enjoy! made by KoA xG4M3xOV3Rx & KoA xBIGxBOSSx UPDATES More Cover Added More Shortcuts Added To Get Up Top From The Bottom More BR's Added DOWNLOAD Updated Version : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
wow this looks really good. im a fan of mlg maps and this one is exceptionally good. i know its mlg and all but give a weapon list plz. and maybe try flipping the boxes upside down. 4.99/5
Flipping the boxes upside down would make the map look smoother and make the gameplay ever so slightly better. Pretty nice map, but a weapons list would be ideal here.
This looks like a really nice map and i'll prolly download it but there would be one thing that i would change and that's having places to get up when you fall off. Because if you fell off in a match and there is no way (close by) for you to get up then your a sitting duck. suggestion: put doors stuck in the boxes, by putting them on creates then deleting the creates and they will be exactly half way up. 4.5/5 overall
thanks for the advice, and just so everyone knows there is afew diffrent places to get up theres 4 diffrent set of stairs and barrels in front of the bases to jump up aswell as creates inside the bases to jump up
looks well-thought out. I like the layout too. It strikes me as the sort of map that would be good for a nice 2v2 game. Does it support all gametypes?
looks good, a little open. I just wanted to tell you that you shouldn't try to force people to download it because it took 4 and a half hour to make, usually a map takes between 5 and 20 hours. The bridge to the top single box looks hard to get on from the top, should be interlocked. A little more cover could be nice. I suggest you play test it and see where the bumps are just to fix them, a map demands time. 3/5.
I hate to break it to have to have the double boxes fused together, and into the wall also, it looks much too like Onslaught, almost like a cheap remake of it, and I advise rethinking the whole thing because I think I know no one who would really care to play this....
more interlocking, bridge flipping, and box flipping would do wonders for this map, but in the time it took you to make it.... you should take as much time into making your map as good as you can make it, no offense.
Looks pretty good, I'll give it a try. Just be warned, though, that a lot of MLG kids will come by and blabber about how it's not true because there isnot geomerging. Don't let that get you down, geomerging is for people who have a lot of spare time. A LOT OF SPARE TIME.
Flip more boxes upside down, same with bridges and interlock some more. This will improve gameplay alot more than you can think.