Oh Noes! Personally I think it's fake but I don't know. Could be real, I don't see it happening. Thoughts? Questions? Concerns?
Truthfully, I didn't watch the thing, My parents are asleep lol, don't wanna wake em up. I read the page and looked at the email and stuff though. I'll add to my opinion if it changes after the vid.
There's no way this is gonna happen. If it means the death of the internet, it means the death of ISPs first. The first ISP to try this type of service will die. Anyone with half a brain would cancel their payment and move on to another one. This ISP will die, and the idea will die. If for some reason multiple ISPs try it, they will all die, too. No person in their right mind would pay for isolated website selection. Ever.
Its not fake, I saw it in the Economist also. The government is ahead of us on this one (for once.) I think they have already switched over to ISP-6 or something.
Yea this is not fake, I have heard about this already. Hopefully the internet will boycott itself and no one will pay for something so stupid.
is there a problem with me if i read the title to the tune of that shitty REM song?... and i doubt this will happen, it's plausible, but unlikely.