yeah that's actually a good point that I didn't really think about. I would agree that the Halo 4 is just pure speculation at this point, but yeah marathon doesn't sound as off. Plus if you think about it, Halo 4 would only ruin 3. Because really any fixes they need or want to make such as new weapons, armor, maps, etc. they can easily make through downloadable content. And they even could probably toss in new missions as DLC if they wanted. So I think if anything they will step up the level of content that's downloadable for Halo 3 (which they have done already with forge and immovable objects, FX, and cool new objects), but I doubt there will ever be a Halo 4.
We already know that they are making a prequel game. It's baed around the ODST and will be a squad based game. 3rd person I think. Like Ghost Recon, though I'm hoping they do it in the style of Bad Company, in the way that you don't actually control your squad but they are still there.
That's just what I was about to say. But I think the next game, that is, if they do make one, won't come out for many, many years. With all the money Bungie could still make out of Halo 3, they don't need to make a sequel. Just think about it: new maps, new features.., etc. To whomever was saying the pic was what made it look fake: How would they have a pic of the new game, if they just got some unreliable info, of this so called bungie-worker?! They probably just got a pic and put it there. I think they didnt actually even want us to think it was a ''Halo 4'' pic. But heck, I could go up to them and tell them I work for Bungie, and that I have info that the next game will be a flying simulator game with a Pelican. And hey, how do you know I don't work for bungie. LawL.
I doubt that they are going to reveal a Halo 4. If there is a Halo game reveal at E3 it will most likely bethe Peter Jackson project. I also doubt there will be a Halo 4 anyway. Bungie has stated that Halo 3 was the ending to that trilogy. If they do make another game that continues MC's story it will likely be called something else.