CEREBRUM Think with your head, not with your gun. Bloody, asymmetrical gameplay for 3v3 or 4 in FFA. Most gametypes compatible. Download 'Cerebrum' Introduction:Alright, a proper go at an enclosed, asymmetrical map since Memento was only as asymmetric as Construct. Like most of my more recent creations, this stemmed from a single idea that I built outwards from. In this case that idea was the Bridge and middle section which was inspired by a piece in the Medal of Honour: Airborne demo. From that middle section I planned a reasonably non-linear asymmetric map of three major sections adjoined through various set pieces. A perhaps slightly unique addition to this map comes only in asymmetric gametypes, when a pair of Teleporter Nodes spawn at either corner of the map. These transport players to half of the corridor at the back of Foundry that has been blocked off. This provides an alternative route for Attackers to take in One Flag, Assault etc. However, the opposite node for the attacker’s side is a Reciever only, so once you go through it, there’s no turning back. I believe this map is fully escape-proof. To my knowledge, it is at least escape-proof to grenade jumping, but if there are any techniques to get players higher than grenade-jumping can, escape may be possible. Either way, there are Sender Nodes outside of the map to transport players back inside. Due to constraints on items, I have been unable to make Cerebrum compatible with all gametypes, and for the ones that I have there is a limit of 6 players. More than that may cause people to start outside of the map. The gametypes that can be played on Cerebum are Slayer, CTF, Territories, Assault, Oddball and KOTH. I would personally recommend for 2v2 Slayer or 4 player FFAs, but don’t look past 1-Flag or Assault to make use of the extra hallway. Description:Alright, three major sections, four including the back hall only accessible through teleporters in asymmetrical games. The section on the far left is the Defenders’ and is probably the biggest. A shelf overlooks a lowered section while a set of stairs goes up to the bridge. This section also has access below the bridge to the middle section, or around a corner to the long alleyway. The bridge gives players a good view into the middle section and Defenders’ section, but has a couple Fusion Coils to keep it from overpowering. It comes down to another shelf with a little back section for spawns and a small corridor, the end of which drops into the Attackers’ section. The middle section is reasonably open, with a crate in the middle for cover and a geomerged box at the rear corner, the spawn point for the Beam Rifle. The attackers’ base is the smallest of the three main sections. It sports a geomerged open box and a lowered platform at the corner heading into the long alleyway. A geomerged double open box creates a small tunnel for spawns and cat and mouse chases. The corner there is also the location of the Attackers’ Sender Node, while the Defenders’ is on their shelf. The Attackers’ Sender Node takes them to a receiver in the middle of the back hallway. The only way to go from there is down the hallway past a Plasma Cannon and into the locker room where a 2 Way Node connects to the Defenders side. If you’ve created a semi-accurate mental map in your head from what I’ve just described, congratulations – you’re a genius. If not, just check out this plan drawn with the miracles of computer technology (MS Paint.) Note that the area in the map with blue around the edge is the area only accesible in asymmetric gametypes, as the teleporters don't spawn in symmetrical games. Weapons/Equipment:5x Battle Rifles - [60 Second Respawn, 2 Spare Clips] 2x Carbines - [60 Second Respawn, 1 Spare Clip] 2x SMGs - [60 Second Respawn, 2 Spare Clips] 1x Mauler - [90 Second Respawn, 1 Spare Clip] 1x Beam Rifle - [150 Second Respawn] 1x Needler - [90 Second Respawn, 1 Spare Clip] 1x Plasma Pistol - [60 Second Respawn] 1x Plasma Cannon - [150 Second Respawn] 6x Frag Grenades - [10 Second Respawn] 5x Plasma Grenades - [30 Second Respawn] 1x Power Drain - [180 Second Respawn] Note that one of the 5 Battle Rifles, and the Plasma Cannon are located in the extra Hallway, and thus are only accessible during asymmetric games. Screenshots: Action Shots: Thanks very much to Vorpal Saint for taking these wonderful action screenshots for me. Much appreciated. Being higher seems to be the advantage... Battle in the same place as pic. 1... JUDO CHOP! Watch out for them flying wire spools. The bridge likes to go boom. Like I said... boom... Carbine doesn't really work close up. (I died) Getting double teamed is never good. ______________________________________________________________________ Great, thanks for checking out Cerebrum. I hope I’ve convinced you to give it a download, and I hope you like what you get. Enjoy, and may the Forge be with you.
How dare you try to post a map before giving me fair forewarning, I demand a front page post for all of your creations! I'm hurt, Good Sir. : ( I must say, the screenshots don't make much good work of your map, it's much prettier in person for all of you nay sayers out there! Though I haven't played a game on it yet, I'd say if it lives up to your past creations than it's worth a download from everyone who views this topic, in the least. I'm still a little iffy about your asymmetrical hallway deal, as I'm not sure exactly how it incorporates into gameplay, but I'll look past it for a bit and trust you to make it work. On a completely unrelated note, why haven't you posted Uprising yet? That is by far my favorite work of yours, it's completely original and all your own!
Sorry, I thought I did. I'm sure I mentioned it in the IRC at some point :\ You're on often enough to see it pretty quickly anyway, hahah. And Uprising sucks, imo. I might make a better job of that idea later, but the version I have is pretty craptastic in a lot of ways. Thanks for the lovely comment.
This looks like a quite original map. But im not too sure about the teleporter to the plasma turret. It kinda defeats the purpose of using the tele' at the risk of getting sprayed thereafter. Other than that, i will definitely Download it.
i played a one on one with it. symetrical. then we ran through an asymetric game for the teleporters. the symetric game went well. the combat was focused on much of the map rather than moshpit style in one central area. the weapons were well balanced, but the mauler seemed bland to me. i dont mind maulers in place of other CQ weapons, but it just doesnt feel like the weapon of choice for this map. Aside from that, we hated the hallway. We thought the map played much better, and even looked better without the teleporters. Anyways, those are just opinions. The rest of the map was fantastic. my favorite part of the map is the 7th picture. the fencewall ramp thing. great job.
I always look forward to a map from this creator his last 2 maps were amazing and this seems to fall in the same category. I will get some games on this a give a more detailed post. Nice work weremidget.
This map is really great and i would love to see action pics. I love the interlocking and clean merging. It is very unique map to play. And nice use of scenery objects alot of people use some stuff that you used.
Thanks for the comments, guys. Not much love for the hallway, which is disappointing. It's not meant to be a huge thing, it just provides another access route for Attackers. If the Reciever Node was a 2-Way then maybe it would undo the rest of the map, but it's not and the hallway doesn't get overused or throw off gameplay.
personally, i just dont like those hallways, or teleporters. it was like a double negative for me. the rest of the map doesnt need it to shine
Wow, this looks amazing. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's something I love about this. Will download once I get the chance.
Well hopefully it's just a matter of opinion, and most people are adverse towards nodes and hallways. I can live with that
is there a way to fix the camping problem with the turret and that teleporter cuz it looks like it would b too risky to go into it because there might b someone waiting to kill u on the other side
Well if that happened, hopefully people would be smart enough to not run in there repeatedly. Or if they did, they could grenade spam the turret or flood it with their corpses.
This looks soooo awesome! I like... I like... Well I like everything. Nice merging. And interlocking. I will download right now.
I always find other people's maps look better in the thread than they do in-game (no offense to anyone), the case must be the same for mine.
Yeah, I saw this in your fileshare so I dl'd it. It's pretty nice looking. But by the looks of it you updated it, so I'll go ahead and re-dl it.