alright everyone, I played this last night with a bunch of people, and this is amazingly fun.! DL it, its amazing
Thanks for the comments. And yeah, the gametype is actually pretty fun, I'm surprised I thought of it. And fitzy, you're probably in that bottom picture somewhere.
Hey look another house... YAY!!! Does this actually work with the Estate's gametype "In the shadoes"? If so then that is freaking awesome...
Sweet map, 5/5 on the creativity and i also like the game type. But I had a thought on another possible game type; Since it's a haunted house with "ghosts", you could make all the zombies invisible, but pretty slow too, hook up the humans with radars so its not impossible but hard still because of the multiple floors, then i dunno any weapons set up of choice i guess.
Yeah AZN I was inspired by The Estate. One of the main reason the ghosts aren't invisible is because invisible zombies have been done alot before, and I wanted something original. But yeah, I'm sure in the shadows will work.
I thought it looked better, and the edges are all flat, whereas the edges of the top of the boxes are rounded.
Very nice, it looks very well layed out I will give it a download. Good Job posting your map also ;-) -Donuts
Thanks fitzy. I wish more people would give it a try, there are only 16 downloads and no replies at
I updated the map, you can download it here: I don't want to double post, but this is the only way for people to know I update the map besides making a new thread.
This one looks spooky. A map such as Backwash from Halo 2 would fit this map nicely. But since thats not avalible to us you did a nice job with making Haunted Manor. Some sloppiness but everything else looks good.
Thanks for replying, but I was hoping this thread would die so I could make a new one without anyone trying to download the old version. Can a mod please lock it so I can make a new thread?
hey awesome map. I just finished playing a FFA slayer game on here with a few of my friends and we all loved it. One of my friends said that the map looks freakin awesome! Well, good map.
Thanks, but this map is out of date. Check out the new on in this thread: