I have a probleme when i try to use my floating teleporters. my idea was to make an endless teleportation where you costantly fall back into the same teleporter over and over again. it would have make a sick slayer map but everytime the players come out of the teleporter they are falling sideways. what am i doing wrong or has bungie made it impossible? plz save my map.
Check to make sure the little orange triangle on the base of the teleporter is facing the direction you want the people to be going.
Note that teleporters apply physics just like everything else in the game. If you are moving forward (at any speed) and go through a teleporter, youa re going to keep moving in that direction at the same speed. Jumping off of the tower on sandtrap into a sender at the bottom would fling you as far as gravity (and friction, and momentum, and all that stuff) would have it out of the reciever. If you want to have them constantly fall through the teleporters, turn the one on top on it's side so that it is facing down. Like from this: I To this: |-| Hope that helps, ~Jakester1024
I've figured it out after much testing and advice by all u guys. When you fall through a teleporter, you keep the same speed you had before, and as you reteleport it only gets faster because you are falling. The teleporter will also always send you out at a slight angle nomater how striaght you fall into it so you will start to go sideways and miss your mark. So unless you are ment to land on a solide block then teleport, is is impossible to make an endless teleporter. Thx to all of you who posted. it rly help me out.
Search bungie for the "Tele-coaster," it is possible, it's been done before. You just need to aim your teleporters better. That orange triangle should be pointing when you want them to go and where you want their feet to come out. Halo usually won't let you make them come out upside down.
Nope. At the bottom and top of teleporter nodes there should be a base with three "prongs" used to balance. One of these "prongs" will be raised with a little orange thing.
Like the ones in this picture. [img width=400 height=300]http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/8173/7445035fullwk2.jpg[/img]
Hey, I have an idea. You said that eventually you gain too much momentum to control yourself. Have you thought about having one teleporter be high up in the air, so that you must be flung upwards to get to it? Being shot upwards would greatly detract from your momentum, instead of always falling and gaining speed. In other words, have five or six teleporters that you fall into, and, then, when you fall into the sixth one it launches you straight up (just barely going high enough) into the seventh one. Doing this, you could have an entire level of teleporters floating out over nothingness. And, using the amazingly cool floating spawn points, you could have the game start with everyone falling into a teleporter, and then shooting each other as they go from one to the other. I hope that helps you out!
I haven't tried this yet :-\ , but put the teleporter in the air, then where they land, put a grav lift on a weapon holder that pushes you toward another teleporter. Like this: I -> }------> I ''