Forge Hub Tournament?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Furious D 18, Jan 18, 2008.

  1. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I'm wondering if anyone wants to play in or help me organize a Forge Hub competative tournament.

    I got the idea after testing some maps with my friends. I must have had an "on" night or something because I was winning... a lot. I'm not trying to say I'm the best or anything, but I think I do pretty well. I'm a 42 in Team Slayer. Anyway, I've been wondering how I'd stack up against some of the members here, especially the Guilders.

    Here's my idea so far, and it is assuming we get a few dozen interested parties.

    Round 1:
    Several free-for-all Slayer games to quickly weed out the non-contenders. I'm thinking that this should be played on a small default map like Snowbound or Guardian. Each game should have 5-6 players, and the top 2 advance to the next round. There could also be a "Round 1.5" to further reduce the competitors.

    Round 2:
    This round and all subsequent rounds will be Head to Head slayer games, on pre-approved maps. These rounds will play just like regular tournament brackets. Players get eliminated when they lose, and the winners continue to pair off until there is a Championship.

    We can host these games on whatever maps we want. I think we could have the community make small slayer maps just for this competition, as long as they are adequately tested and there are no hidden weapons. Also, there should be no glitches that prevent the game from progressing (like under the stairs on The Pit).

    For the one on one matches, I suggest no motion tracker, first to 15. We'd have to set up some way to prove who won/lost. We can have the winner link to the game report on, or upload a game film.

    This idea would involve quite a lot of work to make it run smoothly. Game times would have to be set up in advance so that everyone knows when they are scheduled to play.

    Anyway, I'd like to hear if anyone is interested. I haven't discussed this with anyone else here at Forge Hub yet, so it probably won't be Official, but it would be fun to do anyway. And no prizes, unless it is Official, and maybe not even then.


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    Definitely don't play snowbound or levels with shield doors where camping and shotgun whoring are rampant.
    -- Agreed. Shield doors are not a problem as long as you can prevent camping. The best ways are leaving gaps on the sides for grenades to be bounced in or adding power drains, because they travel through shields.

    We should probably play the Duel gametype.
    -- It would be a shame if the player who was losing the entire game got the last kill because of the waypoint. I think regular slayer with no motion tracker might be the best option, because it includes awareness and tactics, not just run-an-gun. However, I'll look into Duel as an option.

    Prize for the winner? Guilder, custom title?
    -- To become a Guilder, you must be good at Forging, not good at killing. If this tourney gets Official backing by the Staff and Guilders, we might be able to do a custom title, like "The Champ" or "Tourney Champ" or something like that.

    Have different skill divisions.
    -- That would be difficult to make fair. For example, I might be good but decide to enter myself into the "Lousy" division, to get easy wins. That would not be fair. We could divide people by their max skill, but that only tells you how far they've progressed to date, not how good they are. After all, even the best player was a 15 at one point. I think the best way is to just have one big tournament.

    Have a team division.
    -- This is an idea that can be explored in another tournament. I was really looking to gauge my skill compared to my fellow Forgers. Also, I've got some skilled friends who do not Forge. Are they allowed to play? If so, it isn't really about this community anymore, and we might as well call it "matchmaking." Also, I still haven't played a lot of games with the people here, so there's no one I would consider my teammate for this. Besides, by keeping it one on one, newbies who don't know anyone here can still play, and it will help them network and make friends in our community.

    Use only maps that are thoroughly tested and pre-approved.
    -- Agreed. However, whenever there is a competition, someone will find something to complain about. We will make it as fair as possible. Still, I'd like to use community created map variants for the tournament (this is also my thinly veiled attempt to get people to make more small, competitive maps). Who approves the maps? Me, of course. And maybe other people too.

    Have some written recaps, be more like lukems.
    -- I'll try. The thing is, I can only recap the games that I'm in. I guess I could watch the game film of your match and then write up a recap, but don't hold your breath. I would urge the contestants to write a short recap of the match. However, you'd be getting two different views of the same game: the winner's and the loser's. It might not be that interesting to read.
  2. DareDefyMe88

    DareDefyMe88 Ancient
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    Sounds interesting.

    Here are some suggestions:

    1. Definitely don't play snowbound or levels with shield doors where camping and shotgun whoring are rampant.

    2. You should just let every person who wants to play enter the tournament. Making a huge bracket. Considering it is a head to head tournament that would allow all people to at least play a game. Mabye best of 3, with switching of the host. This way the bad people will be weeded out anyways, and the better players will obviously get farther in the tournament. Only problem is if you match the two best people together the first round. Then that would stink for one of them considering the one who lost would have probably made it to the championship. This could possibly be prevented by using people's highest levels as a basis for it. Matching the higher levels against lower levels. Although levels aren't always accurate, they are at least a good indicator rather than just doing it randomly.

    3. We should probably play the Duel gametype, but to 20 or so. This makes it so the score leader has an indicator over their head. This evens the playing field slightly so the other person will be able to sneak up on them better considering the leader probably has the better weapons.
  3. cubs199235

    cubs199235 Ancient
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    i think a team tourny would be way cooler. I would enter. Itd allso be better if guests were allwoed
  4. o2oGodsMistake

    o2oGodsMistake Ancient
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    I like this tourney idea but this would take a huge amount of time to setup, but everyone also has to make sure they submit there info if they win, which might cause some problems if they forget. But I would definatley join this, and about the prize thing i think you should allow the person who wins to become a Guilder or some type of bonus like a free spot automatically reserved for him for like 1 or 2 Forge Game Nights (unless he cant play with you guys, it would be given upto the next person). But thats just my idea. :squirrel_grouphug: :squirrel_hug: :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa:
  5. DareDefyMe88

    DareDefyMe88 Ancient
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    You can't exactly just hand out the guilder status for winning a tournament, it has nothing to do forging.

    Possibly like a title called "Tournament Champion"

    Which can only be owned by one person at a time because if someone else wins the title goes to them.

    Although I really think it should be about fun and not really getting prizes.
  6. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    I've thought about this idea for long time, but I never thought anyone else would also think of it too. Suggestions:
    - Maybe have different skill divisions to enter, such as good, okay, and awesome. So even if you aren't that good, you can still win at something.
    - Have a team division where people can form teams (such as BTSP) of 4/5/6 and battle against each other. I dunno about that one though, problems could arise.
    - Use a good, frequently updated T-chart (such as this one).
    - Have some sweet prizes? I suppose that's obvious though.
    - Use only maps that are thoroughly tested and pre-approved. You don't want anyone saying "I LOST CUZ THAT MAP SUCKS"
    - Some nicely written recaps/evaluations of matches, much like lukems' Humpday recaps (Maybe I could write them...?).

    If you need any help Furious I'd be happy to lend a hand.

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    As Jimmy on South park would say, "I'm down like a clown Charlie b-b-b-brown"

    I'd be happy to try and play a bunch of you, unless theres like a post count requirement or something.
  8. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I've updated the original post with a lot of suggestions you guys have given me. I'd like to address two of them here.

    I can't really manage who gets the host in a game. If there are host issues, too bad. You can submit a game film for review. If the lag is really[/b] bad, maybe a rematch is in oder. Also, there won't be any "best of three" unless there are a very small number of contestants.

    If the two best are matched the first round, we'll still end up with the best guy as champ. After all, second place is just another name for first loser. Also, we don't want the first round to be a blowout in every game. The less skilled players would all get massacred. With a random pairing, at least some poor players have a chance of making it to the next round.
  9. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    It is a cool idea. The best thing would be if we had a game unique to Forge Hub like how RvB has Grifball.
  10. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    That would indeed be awesome. Maybe another Forge Hub "Standards" gametype. What could be fair, competitive, and different enough from the current Slayer game? I'll look into it.
  11. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    Maybe you could get some other writers to help you write. You writing and doing all this stuff seems like a lot of work. It doesn't have to be me, but some good writers nevertheless.

    TDF - Barrel Blaster maybe?
  12. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Sounds very cool. IMO, we should do a team torunament (4v4) and a FFA tourney (6-man(or elite) FFA)

    As for custom maps, i say use the stuff that has been featured on the site, because those will probably be the most known/popular.

    Edit: Also, PM me if you need help selecting/making maps or if you get approval or anything, id be happy to help/compete.
  13. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    we could pay on It's Nexens chill out. Awesome.
  14. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    I can tell I'm going to be weeded out first round, because I am not amazing at halo. I'm good, but not nearly as good as some of you.

    Would there be a losers bracket, like a double elimination tournament?
  15. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    I think there has to be, otherwise some people would only be able to play in one game and how fun would that be for them?

    For the FH standards game type I'm thinking:

    Low Gravity
    Primary weapon: Gravity Hammer
    Secondary weapon: Spartan Lasre
  16. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    I'm hoping thats a joke from Master Chief sucks at Halo. Because that would suck. Maybe if you are bumped out, you get to go into some team games.
  17. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Yeah that was from the master chief sucks at halo 3.

    I don't know about teams though because seems like they could get pretty unfair unless they were to be evened out after every game.
  18. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    I would easily join this and I could help out with anything if needed...This sounds pretty sweet.
  19. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Guys, I just thought of something that might prevent this idea from becoming a reality. The original idea was to have people pair off for the games, and then report who the winner was. Well, whichever person was the party leader could change the slayer settings without changing the name of the game, so the other player would have no idea that something was different.

    For example, if I suck at BR, I could go in and give everyone immunity to headshots. Now I can run around with my dual maulers and not worry about the other player's superior aim.

    Or, even worse, I could set the respawn traits to have 0% damage resistance for 30 seconds after you respawn. Every time I die, I hide for 30 seconds and then go fight. When my enemy dies, he won't know and will probably come charging at me, and I could massacre him.

    For that reason, I'm giving up on this idea. I could host the games in Forge or something so I know the traits are default and I can watch the carnage as the monitor. However, I'm not doing that for a huge tournament. I might do it if there are 8 contestants, because I'll only have to view 7 games.

    If you guys are still interested, we can do it, but I'll probably open the competition only to members whose highest skill is at least 30 (or you'll just get destroyed), and maybe whose post count is at least 100 (to make sure you're really part of the community). I'd love to use community maps for it, so start working. If we don't find any good ones in a week or so we'll just use my Unchained map. It's awesome.
  20. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    You don't think that there are enough decent people to make this work?

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