Thanks, but also note this map is completely biast (Free of biased/ not in ones favor) free! The humans and zombies are completely equal (Make sure you read the first post, also some more info scrambled around in the posts. After DLing and testing it out, I guarentee that you'll see it is not biased in any way.
Looks cool but I dont like avalance.. like i pretty much would like to spit on it, but yaknow.. ill try it.. DL
| | V Artic as in Arythemic. Not arctic... Also, please do not post unless contributing to the map, or it is considered spam. Thanks.
Kewl idea and nicely excuted but i think you should get rid of the tank, overpowered, and the armory is NOT overpowered there's not enough weapons there to cause mush destrction if the spawning was set right, but maybe take away a turret and it would be fine. Try making a infection map on a smaller map, your a good forger and should work on maps of greater magnitude.
The cover crates look alot like my cover for the zombies on my map last stand posted in early summer.but other than that it looks nice.