Best ever by far I got an infastracture, so im fixing it, Thje interlocking, with the circle room is insane, original, and extremely well done, the geomerging is superb, and some of the best aesthenics.
this map looks amazing with perfect interlocking and just enough space for the ghost to fly through and splatter everyone in their path. 5 out of 5. Great job!
The octagons were an interesting geometry choice that were not only ascetically pleasing but also very functional. Great map.
others have said it, they couldnt find an imperfection on the map, so i tried to prove them wrong. i couldnt. -amazing
Reflex is perfect, except for one thing that really pisses me off. When you grab the ghost, your at a ramp and in the perfect position to fly thru the tunnel and out and grab some sicknasty air. However, theres a interlocked and merged wall and fencewall that sit rite were the ghost lands everytime, so intstead of flying gracefully out, landing, then speeding away, I fly out then crash into the wall. Phail. Other than that, it rocks.
My friend showed me this map. I was amazed of the Complex interlocking and LOVE the gravity hammer spawn. Totally original!!!
Love the originality and close quarters of this map. The tunnel is utterly perfect. Personally, I thought map could have done without the power up and I found weird when I got near a wall and it said "The turret is inoperable" or something along the lines of that. Good Job.
Very, very good map. I loved the layout of the map and it has great gameplay. At first I thought the ghost would unbalance the map but with the gravity hammer and deep supply of grenades it made it difficult to use. Additionally, I also thought that the ghost would be hard to maneuver through the map but then again I was wrong. Even though there are some starting point problems in FFA with over 5 people I still have used it over and over for weeks. I also thought the choice of a beam rifle over the sniper was a good choice, as it fit with the map better. 5/5
this is a very beautifully interlocked map, the middle is amazing, this looks really fun with ffa slayer, and i like the teleporter arrows, great job.
This map is really fun. Slayeer and onebomb is my favorate on this map! Great geoglitching and interlocking. This is staying on my harddrive for a while... Amazing job! One of my favorate maps on forgehub!
Great use of interlocking, And the arks that connect the hallway are beyond belief AMAZING! Awesome Job!!! 5.5 out of 5 (I barely ever give out 5.5's!)