Creator: NOX IGNIS ITALY Base jump is a map created in 30 minutes (now with 30 more minutes of editing) as a result of my boredom. It is a great map I found with infection, slayer, and (soon to come) ctf, bomb and more. This map has a main base on one end for defenders, the other is for the infected, people trying to capture the flag, etc. I mainly created this map as like a castle defense map, but what ever. Download, give me insight and i will edit. For use with: One Bomb, One Flag, Slayer, and all infection. Newly edited lots of changes including all power weapons reduced to one of each, hidden in different places around the map and some of the best one bomb one flag gameplay. please im always looking for people to forge with... adddddddd me and i will forge with you like no other. This is a barrier stack pile. this is also where you have to get the bomb or flag. sniper tower... this pic is old. there is only one sniper. this is the warthog den. great hidding spot for "last man standing" hidden under the gate. another pic of the warthog den. the hidding sopt is behind the fusion coil. blow it up to move the coils out of the way. Front pic of the gate to the warthog den. hidden spot for defending in the walls of the main base. also where the rocket launcher is located. this is the only spot to storm the main base. another pic of the barrier stock pile. this is an over look of the main base internals storm spot atop the main base. move the crates to get to a turret in order to defend the slopes up to the base! To download base jump click link below : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
This map looks interesting, and very original, i`ve never seen this idea before. I will download in 1 hour when i get back home. 3.5/5
The map looks pretty cool, good job interlocking and the map design looks unique. I will download and tell you what I think of it.
Looks very nice, must be really nice for a game of Infection. Although I was really looking for some Halo 3 basejumping... :0 5/5
it'd be awesome if that pile of barriers were loose and you had to plant the bomb inside them some of the weapons are pretty excessive... 4 snipes in the same spot?
it doesnt look to bad. you realize if you spent more than an hour on this map you could have made an extremely good map cause this is good for just a half an hour
The map looks way to campy, which would result into 30 minutes of zombies trying to kill the humans before they decide to quit. The lesson: Infection should be balanced for both Zombies and Humans, the humans have an equal chance to survive as a Zombie has to kill a human. Although it looks fun for CTF if there wasn't so many power weapons.
that would be due to it being infection based and made in 30 minutes infection tends to have an armory or overload of weapons in one area. For a 30 minute map this is great compared to the maps that people made over weeks it just so so which makes me think you should redesign it with more attention to detail?
now i slightly disagree. it is definitely a camping map but it looks like there are several ways the zombie can get in however i would reduce the amount of turrets, those can be very cheap towards the zombie
i will reduce the number of power weapons and introduce less powerful weapons. the zombie will prevail!!!
Can you say power weapon galore? I can't how is it pronounced? Anyways, this map is way to full of power weapons. Control the laser and your set. It might not effect gameplay but it seems as if it should.
It looks like you really had to put some thought into this map with the barrier stock pile and others. great job on that but if you have to many snipers it could ruin the game but i'll try it out. good job on the map.
It looks interesting, but I want to know how it plays exactly. Can you post some gameplay screenshots pretty plz?