Dodge Zombies

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Phoenix619, Jul 6, 2008.

  1. Phoenix619

    Phoenix619 Ancient
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    Dodge Zombies
    Created by Phoenix619 and Garret Mander

    Supported Gametypes:
    Custom Infection Game Varient

    Map Description
    During the flood infestation of Earth many factories around the crash site
    were affected by a terrible virus that the flood brought with them. One
    of the affected factories was the Fusion Coil and Vehicle Manufacturing
    Plant 05. The virus has caused many of the workers to become brain
    hungry zombies who will do anything to hunt you down and kill you. Due
    to the lack of maintenance, the facility has taken damage and the
    automated fusion coil transfer systems are malfunctioning, blasting the
    work floor with deadly explosions. Hand held weapons are nearly useless
    against the horde, high explosives are your only chance to take a few
    of your foes with you. Unlike other infections, these zombies can still
    operate vehicles and as you see the pulpy remains of another squad
    littered on the floor, you can only hope and pray you survive long
    enough for the relief force to arrive.


    Overview of Work Floor

    Fusion Coil Field

    Hog Garage

    Hog Exit

    Watch out for the Hog

    Mongoose Garage

    Mongoose Exit

    Flying Mongoose

    Action Shots

    Don't go in the Fusion Coil field

    Catch This

    Nice Save

    Hog vs Trip Mines

    Trip Mines Win


    This map is meant to provide a fun vehicle carnage game and I hope that you like it. Thank you for whoever downloads and any feedback is welcomed.

    Download Dodge Zombies
    Download Dodge Zombies Game Type

    v1.1 changes
    The only change that I have made so far is that their are now walls covering the back two door of Foundry's border. This change was made because humans would get up on the little ledges there and hide from the vehicles.
    #1 Phoenix619, Jul 6, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2008
  2. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Can the zombies be killed and how easily (Shields, damage resistance)? Otherwise it looks awesome, I love vehicles and I'm sure funny splatters will appear! 5/5
  3. mitona

    mitona Ancient
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    looks like a much better version of what my friend made. definite download
  4. Phoenix619

    Phoenix619 Ancient
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    The zombies can only be killed by using the 2 trip mines that spawn once at the beginning of each round and by entering the fusion coil field and being blown up with their vehicles. Zombies and Humans have no damage with their weapons. Also Humans are a 50% health and they have 200% gravity and 90% speed so that it is harder for them to dodge zombies in their vehicles.
  5. garret mander

    garret mander Ancient
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    The map is quite fun for numbers three and up, where normally Infection games require eight or more people to start being fun. There are only two ways to kill each other, trip mines for the humans (one per goose, two for a hog, they don't respawn), and by splattering the humans as a zombie. With higher gravity and reduced movement speed humans are hard to hit but not impossible. Also, if you find yourself in the middle without a vehicle Zombies can jump back in via the hog exit, it requires a crouch jump, but is quite easy for the reduced gravity zombies.

    All in all great fun, and the fusion cores give it a nice touch providing a killing field to lure each other into. The spike grenades are good for flipping mongooses, and the magnums are just fun to fire at a rushing hog.
  6. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    This looks really fun, although it seems a bit too easy for the zombies to kill you. But still I love the idea!

  7. garret mander

    garret mander Ancient
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    It gets easier for the zombies as you get more people, but when we tested it with six people it became fun to taunt the zombies by just barely dodging their mongooses, then smacking them with a melee as they pass. And actually it is fairly hard to kill a human if you don't manage to get them while they are distracted.
  8. an old granny51

    an old granny51 Ancient
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    ummm looks ok one looks way to open for my taste. maybe more stuff in the middle would be better
  9. garret mander

    garret mander Ancient
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    Actually, the openness works for the game rather than against it, and the fusion coil field constantly fills the middle with explosions making it not quite as open as one might think.

    Sleep time for me now, work tomorrow.
    #9 garret mander, Jul 6, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2008
  10. xl Snip3z lx

    xl Snip3z lx Ancient
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    Looks kewl =)
  11. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Interesting, default zombie gametypes can get boring, but driving zombies... watch out pedestrians!
  12. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    This does look fun but i'm guessing that two humans could jump over into the hog area with some head jumping. If so this might be a problem. I was also wondering if the zombies can use the turrets. I guess your gametype makes it so they have to splatter though. good job. 9/10
  13. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    I guess this map is pretty fun seeing theres alot of explosives but the main floor looks to bare.Maybe add some cool structures or soemthing to spice this map up a little.But the warthog places and stuff are a nice place for the zombies to spawn and it seems like a really fun game.
  14. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    i love vehicle battles, and zombies, ive never seen a combo of them befor.
  15. Phoenix619

    Phoenix619 Ancient
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    Hey Rival just so you know if you download the gametype that goes along with it humans players have 200% gravity so that they can't jump on each others heads. Thanks everyone for reviewing the map, should I make a v2 with more cover?
  16. Pwnography

    Pwnography Ancient
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    Lots of fun games will come out of this, but can the zombie be easily killed.
  17. garret mander

    garret mander Ancient
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    Actually, no, it's rare for a Zombie to die once. A single trip mine won't kill a hog, it takes both, and normally the first zombie will take a hog (It's simply better for splattering) Since trip mines don't respawn the humans only have one chance to kill a Zombie.

    Unless you use teamwork or the first zombie takes a goose, zombie kills are rare. The point of the game isn't to rack up hundreds of hell's janitors though.
  18. Phoenix619

    Phoenix619 Ancient
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    Just started making a version two and I was wondering what people thought would be good additions or should I just make the interlocking better, thanks for any comments.
  19. ub3rtuba

    ub3rtuba Ancient
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    definitely liking this one, looks like alot of fun for a large group, especially if the zombies are tards
  20. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    Ok, I LOVE THE INTRO. That's one of the best back stories I've ever heard. This map looks a tad unorigional but I think that you have given it a new out look.
    Good job
    Keep FOrging

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