Well its bungie day here in Australia, Time to dl some COLD STORAGE AND MAPS/THEMES HAPPY BUNGIE DAY TO ALL!
did they release it over there? because i have to work tomorrow and im gonna be *sad faced* But im gonna play as much as i can and im gonna love it *happy face*
lol sucksucksucksucksucksucksucksucksucksucksucksucksucksucksuck actually, they're probably not out, but mehh...
Happy Bungie Day to you then. P.S. Maps wont be avaliable to Aussie untill Bungie Day reaches Pacific Coast, aka PST. Bungie is located in Washington , they wont release maps until its Bungie Day for them. Cant wait though Count down has already started. 6.5 Hours REMAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They're already out apparently, or at least it says so on Bungie.net I'm a little disappointed by the gamerpics and themes, I thought it would be a little cooler than that. But whatever, it's free so I can't really complain. I haven't gotten to cold storage yet, I"m on vacation away from my xbox but hopefully it will be good.
when i posted this, i expected it all to be out.. i woke up, went to my xbox.. WTF ONLY THEME AND GAMERPICZZZZ GARRRRR BUNGIEE!!! HURRY UPP AND RELEASSEEE
Where the freak is my free map! @ least I got some cool pics of me by the 7th column sign in Valhalla. Still wheres map!? Screw you Bungie Im going to bed!
Any minute now. EDIT: When you start seeing red, the map is up. Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 Global Heatmaps
I like this Idea because they need more "Flood Accident" Maps in Halo I think. Maybe a halo themed off of the Cortana level would be great. =)
I Iz Gettin It Noa!!!! Lulz Capslock Cruise Control .... ... .. . WHY IS IT SO SLOW? . .. ... .... Rainbow Six Vegas 2 update was faster than this... .... ... .. . . . . . I GOTZ IT! F-Ya!