ok Here's my f-22 raptor with an embedded picture.Yeah I have been told it's not a raptor. Well it is. It may not look exactly like one but I was trying ok, sheesh! I hope someone enjoys it. And those of you who already commented on my old post, thank you. I've been on forgehub for a while now, but this is new to me,posting links and photos. Thanks! YES YOU CAN GET IN IT if u want it tell me Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ]
Looks good but I am not crazy about the effort. Still looks pretty neat next time try putting stuff like this into competitive maps.
Wow this is a really cool ship for no (or none visible) interlocking, but that's it's down point: not enough interlocking.
no offense but i dont know why people are always saying this "not enough interlocking". some maps simply do not need interlocking. it only needs to be used if something doesnt fit or if it would looks horrible without interlocking. if it's not nessessary then why do it. not thtat im against it or anything i mean i still use it a lot. besides how can you interlock this ship any more?
Like I said in your previous post about this, it doesn't resemble to an F-22 Raptor... Were you looking at a picture of a F-22 or trying to make it from memory? You might want to study up on what a F-22 looks like because the wings closest to the cockpit are not detached, the tails are angled and a few other things. Here is what a F-22 Raptor looks like. 2.5/5
the raptor is my favorite jet, but this does not look like a raptor. My suggestion would be to make it bigger so you can get the better details