
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Jump4h, Jun 6, 2008.

  1. Jump4h

    Jump4h Ancient
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    (MLG) Alcázar - Asymmetric Castle map that actually rocks!
    [Slayer, CTF, Assault, KotH, Oddball, Territories]
    Suggested players: (4-8) 2v2, 3v3, 4v4
    Get the map: Alcázar
    CTF: ALC 1-Flag
    TERRITORIES: ALC Territories
    KING: Alcázar KotH
    ASSAULT: ALC 1-Bomb
    SLAYER: Use MLG Slayer v5
    ODDBALL: Use MLG ball v4 or up
    Alcázar is an asymmetric castle map that actually plays well. The castle is dynamic yet uncluttered, and there are many supported gametypes with custom settings (Be sure to test out the Territories! Attackers siege and sieze the castle!)

    Interesting points:
    -Castle has a dungeon, main floor, upper ramparts/areas, and two towers that you can climb up and down from the inside!.
    -Attackers get two nice sized structures and plenty of cover.
    -Two snipers, one for defenders and one for attackers
    -Mauler hall on the B side


    [front of the castle]

    [Inside on the main floor of the castle]

    [Inside castle from a back view]

    [Castle dungeon from the B side entrance]

    [A-side of the attacker's side]

    [B side of the attacker's side]

    [Behind the attacker's side]

    [B-side of castle, B lower entrance + tower base, and Mauler hall (right) visable]

    [Inside the tower, looking up]

    [Top of a tower looking at attacker's side]

    Get the map: Alcázar
    CTF: ALC 1-Flag
    TERRITORIES: ALC Territories
    KING: Alcázar KotH
    ASSAULT: ALC 1-Bomb
    SLAYER: Use MLG Slayer v5
    ODDBALL: Use MLG ball v4 or up
    #1 Jump4h, Jun 6, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2008
  2. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    hmmm, nice bases, great cover, great looks, SOLD!! dling rite now
  3. PlasmaGlory

    PlasmaGlory Ancient
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    I am not sure if I understand this whole premature thing, but neat map, good interlocking and it doesn't have any noticeable errors. Good job.
  4. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    What's funny is that I checked the DL's for this map, and it had none. I occasionally say that I'll DL a map at the beginning of a post, then get so caught up in my post that I forget to, but I just thought I'd note that little jem. I downloaded it, bro, and I'm about to check it out right now.
  5. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    This map looks solid. Probably will get lots of downloads, but I have no spaces on my harddrive right now. Srry. I like the stairs made out of walls and the bases look very... easy to defend.
  6. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    dang, this looks awsome. very nice interlocking and i like the main floor of the castle it looks well constructed
  7. Jump4h

    Jump4h Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback. I'd like to know what you guys think after playing it.
    Be sure to check out 1-flag, 1-bomb, and Territories! I personally think Territories would be cool - one team defends the castle while the attackers capture tower 1, tower 2, dungeon, and main floor.

    I'll be taking a 1 week vacation, so leave me somethin' to read for when I get back. Happy forging and have fun!
  8. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Bacon Luvr, you're going to get banned, you posted the same comment on my map, and then triple posted instead of just editing your last ones. About the map, I came back just to download it now that I have more spaces. Peace.
  9. schmidget

    schmidget Ancient
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    I think this map will play very well, reminds me a little of high ground, great job.
  10. Jump4h

    Jump4h Ancient
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    thanks for the feedback. Just got back from vacation, hopefully ill be able to get a new map out before i leave again monday. are there any specific suggestions for this map? like small cover or pathing problems?
  11. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    the map is very well made but it seems you concentrated on one area and then realized that there was not much left to forge with and you just made the other bases to try to compensate for your extravagant main section
  12. Jump4h

    Jump4h Ancient
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    Yeah, that's basically what happened Sage. But i did make sure to give the attacking side enough structure to have a fair game. Plus, when you play slayer or FFA the defending team wont always be in the castle. control shifts as things happen during a game, so it all balances out.
  13. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    its always nice to see an asymetrical map once and a while. Seems awesome, you have my dl.

    TAZMANIAC Ancient
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    Map looks good I cant see anything wrong with it. Good job.
  15. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    This map seems really nicely set up for one sided games, but also looks like a pretty fun slayer map too. I really like the castle structure, the inside is really nice and open yet with plenty of ways in and out and lots of nice surfaces to jump around on.
    Your weapon placement seems good as well, you have avoided the trap of flooding a map with weapons and every weapon you've placed seems there for a reason and nicely located.

    I just have a couple of suggestions though. I would personally give the attackers a bit more to work with in terms of weapons. The sniper is nice but decreased by the fact that the castle has one as well. Another power weapon, rockets maybe, if you want them on the map, you could have them set to assymetric only so that they don't appear in slayer games. Or a shotty, but I notice maulers already so this maybe too much of this type of weapon.

    I would also interlock the double boxes in the attacker base on A side so grenades aren't lost in the gaps and there are no bumps, the interlocking over the rest of the map seems really good.

    The walls acting as steps up to the top of the castle, where the carbine is, are a little hard to get up at times. Just moving them out a bit more would make it easier to get up there quickly and from multiple angles.

    A dumpster to get up the front of the attacker base would be great for gameplay purposes, mostly in slayer, in my opinion. It would encourage more circulation around this area of the map in slayer games and stop it being too easy to hold down. You could set it to symmetrical only so that it doesn't appear in one sides games, meaning that the attacker base would still be secure enough.

    I really like this map, especially the nice interlocking and design work in the castle, looks like a really solid one sided map with good slayer potential as well. Nice one.
    #15 Pegasi, Jul 6, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2008
  16. Jump4h

    Jump4h Ancient
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    wow Pegasi
    that's one quality post
    thank you very much for the feedback and suggestions, I will take all into consideration

    I'm glad that you reminded me of the "asymmetrical only" option because I am usually timid in weapon placement - I guess I just didn't want slayer games to be unbalanced. I think I'll throw in rockets or something interesting to asymetrical games, as well as a dumpster to the front of the A-side attackers base.

    As for those walls near the carbine, I did find some difficulty climbing those in testing, but I wasn't sure how to fix them. I suppose I might have to tinker with it a while, but now that you point it out I know it's a problem worth fixing.

    Bad news:
    I got red ring of death'd. I'll fix this map up when my box gets back, but no sooner

    Good news:
    I'm planning an overhaul for my other two maps, and I'll be updating this one so it looks like I'll be focusing on quality over quantity in maps. I like each of my 3 released maps for their own reasons (most popular is Valkyrie, but my personal favorite is Restraint). Thank God for ForgeHub to keep me motivated. Expect updates in the not too distant future.
  17. CPV18

    CPV18 Ancient
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    The layout of this map is so awesome. I could get lost in it and be happy. You interlocked almost flawlessly. It is a little open in some places but it is balanced by closed spaces. Nice job.
  18. xbigheadx7

    xbigheadx7 Ancient
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  19. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    The main floor from the Castle is pownage! -It is so well Forged, and it is so creative!
    Though the A-Side of the attackers base looks a little bit rushed, there's a bit Interlocking on the stairs but you could've put some more work into that, though the B-Side looks awesome, and kind of MLG style, maybe a V1.1?

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