14?! More like 12... And yeah that was one of the nerdiest things I have seen. The only thing is the weapons do look really good, the turret looks almost identical to the one in game. My favorite part was definitely the tea-bagging
lol tea bagging is his work out... he was prolly out of breath after he did it like 5 times. Rofl... I serisouly feel sorry for this kid :S
OMG this was PATHETIC I mean really I like halo and it's the only game I play (it's also the only game I own... w/e), but seriously find something else to do other than tea-bag your garage floor.
well this little nerd is selling this all on ebay, i guarantee some other super nerd WILL buy this, and who knows how much they will pay. The child is making money for this ridiculous task so i will not bash him for this (note that forging has $0 income). He's also like 12 so the "ultra virgin" thing is a little unfitting. The comments on youtube regarding the video are hilarious, 90% of them are "go outside you ****ing nerd. get a life. paint it pink" bunch of hypocrites...
Brute what the ****? What exactly are you accusing him of posing? You can't just call someone a poser without any further explanation. It was a nice video though, you did a nice job with those weapons keep up the good work
omg, that poor kid, he seems happy with what he does tho and he does a good job making the guns and stuff , i love how how he t-bags the floor lol,
so he made it all out of cardboard and tape? ya know, i thought all this stuff was pretty kool. up untill the teabag. i have just made myself a promise never to teabag another dead victim ever again.
lol, you're not the only one to have said that, I think three people have already... Oh well, I'm glad I'm not him...
O...................M................G..........W.........T.........F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! although the lawnchair looked pretty well made.............the reloading was kinda dumb though..........
wow thiskid looks young to do that good of a job... ofcorse hes never goin to have a gf but im surehes goin to et a goodjob in the future