Does anyone here play WoW? I hope so lol, nobody I know on Xbox live plays World of Warcraft and I wanted to know if any of you guys did. I've been constantly on and off the game since I got my 70, but I'm edging towards it from now on. I got a level 70 Undead frost mage on Darkspear EU Level 51 Orc Enhancement Shaman on Darkspear EU And I recently made a rogue and he's level 18 on Darksorrow PvP EU It may sound sad but I've been playing for a while
my server and chars r I have a lvl 68 orc hunter on bloodhoof a lvl 43 undead priest on bloodhoof a lvl 33 tauren shamen on bloodhoof a lvl 34 undead mage on bloodhoof
LOL South Park I personally do not play WoW I think my computer would explode if I even tried to put it in. I used to play Guild Wars, and yes I know that is not the same, just saying.
67 Undead Holy Priest [Akama] 59 Undead Combat Rogue [Akama] 43 Troll Elemental Shaman [Akama] 29 Dwarf Marskmanship Hunter [Firetree]
I have a Wow account, but my subscription is currently expired. Once I bother to renew it, you'll be able to find me on Azraeus, 70 human rogue on Spinebreaker, Gnmishmosh, 65 Gnome Warlock on Blackhand, or Happyjamman, 46 Troll Mage on Bonechewer. Age of Conan is where it's at right now, though.
Please stop posting. If you want to complain about wow, don't do it on my thread, make your own. Jerk off.
Amen....too bad it,like all MMO's at launch its not quite finished. What i want to know is,CoX,WoW,Aoc...why are MMO's able to get away with putting an unfinished game onto the market when normal game developers would be ripped to shreds? If bungie had released halo with only the first three missions,stating "theyll get right on the next 5 and we can download them" the fans would have gone nuclear....and yet with MMO's it perfectly acceptable... I used to play WoW but i quit to go back to CoX. Nothing much to it really but preferance :S I got to around level fifty but instances and quests just got repetitive for me....that and stormscale got overun by the swedish..../cry Who knows i may even go back but id never go nuts grinding WoW killed my inner child