
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Furious D 18, Jan 18, 2008.

  1. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Updated version: it's now much more difficult to escape from the play area.

    Tired of the same old Foundry maps? Unchain yourself from the standard boxes and bridges.



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    Like many of you, I've gotten tired of the same old Foundry. I was looking for ways to make something fresh. Also, I've wanted to design a compact map for small Slayer games, especially head to head.

    I knew I wanted a multi-level map where you could jump from level to level easily. And I knew I wanted to avoid 90o angles whenever possible.

    The map has several BRs, a sentinel beam, a shotgun, a mauler and SMG, a turret, and a brute shot. There is also a bubble shield, deployable cover, and a regenerator. In the center of the map in the triangular hole is an overshield.

    During testing in the early versions, I discovered that the overshield was pretty powerful for this map. You're invincible while it charges and you can get pretty much anywhere in the level before it's done charging. It was basically a guaranteed kill. To make it less powerful, I added a few flame grenades. If you hit the overshield guy with one, it will keep burning him till he dies. It's your best defense. Also, the overshield is set to spawn every 60 seconds, not the default 30 seconds.


    With the overshield, you can survive a plasma stick and still have full overshields if you are stuck while it is charging.

    But you can't survive a firebomb grenade.

    We're playing with motion tracker disabled. Somehow, I get away without getting assassinated.

    The orange guy throws an orange grenade, the blue guy throws a blue grenade. These nades actually hit each other, but the "impact" frame is skipped in the video. But you can see how their trajectories changed. It was pretty sweet.

    The sentinel beam, back by popular demand and for added balance.


    I chose the name Unchained for a couple reasons. First, I wanted to get away from the overdone warehouse/factory feel of Foundry. I wanted to think outside the box and be a little unconventional. Also, "chains" kind of reminds me of the interlocking technique, and I did a lot of interlocking.

    Unchained is set up for Slayer and King of the Hill games. I used several respawn areas for both gametypes, but respawning can still be predictable at times.

    I recommend turning off the motion tracker for head to head and team doubles games but leaving it on for free for all games of 3-4 people.

    I also highly recommend rockets with motion tracker enabled.

    Anyway, I hope this gives everyone a breath of fresh air from the standard warehouse maps. Also, it goes to show you that you can come up with some interesting level designs with some imagination and a lot of patience.

    New Screenshots later on page 4 of this thread. Click here to jump there.

    Download link: Unchained
  2. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
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    wow, furious this is a nice looking map. i not really a fan of just slayer though. good idea making a level with a lot of interlocks, hope to see even more people make unique levels like this.....in fact, i think i'm gonna start one now!
  3. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    And here I was thinking you were an old school Van Halen fan, lol. Actually, you should make a vid of that game and put it to that 'Unchained' song; one of the greatest guitar licks ever. :squirrel_rocking:
    But this looks really cool. The first screenshot was enough to get me to DL it.
  4. Rmcski21

    Rmcski21 Ancient
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    Interlocking = Awesome... Queued
  5. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Hey, did you take the sentinel beam off? It wasn't in your list of weapons. Nice map. I like the overshield pit and the tower. Although I'm wondering, do you think you should have used camo instead of overshields? For a competitive map I like it when it takes skill to kill people. Although I guess no radar and invis would still give you a hefty advantage.... but at least it's not guaranteed.
  6. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Yes, the sentinel beam is gone. I got feedback from a few people that there should be more BRs, so I replaced it with a BR. I'm decided not to post the sentinel beam picture here, since it was from an earlier version and I didn't want to confuse people, but I had already posted it on the B.net thread. I'm really surprised that anyone even clicked on those pics.... you must have seen it there before you saw it here.
    As for camo instead of overshield, I think it would be bad for several reasons. First, it would change the feel of the map from a "run-and-gun" slayfest to a "hide-in-a-corner-because-the-enemy-has-camo" campfest. Second, it's too easy to toss a grenade in the hole when someone goes down there, and it would suck to have your shields get knocked out by a nade and then get finished off with a BR round because you are partially visible. Third, I really love the feeling I get when I see a guy jump out of that hole with overshields and come running right at me. It's like, "ok, this is gonna be a challenge, take cover till the shield is done charging, then go own him!" There's huge bragging rights when you kill a guy that was invincible for 3 seconds and had twice as much shields as you.

    Also, I've toned down the overshield a bit so it is no longer the only factor in games. It respawns less frequently, and there are a couple firebombs near the major player respawns. It's great when you tag the overshield guy with a firebomb, cause you know he is going to die eventually, it just takes a few seconds, so you gotta run for your life until he dies.

    Anyway, I'm glad you guys like it. I know I do. And I hope it inspires some more unique levels from the community.
  7. Stolenpoo

    Stolenpoo Ancient
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    this looks great! I just downloaded it, but I cannot play till this afternoon. I will leave feedback after I have played it.Looks great though.
  8. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Ok, I can see your point there, and now that I think about it I agree. This map does inspire me to do something unconventional with interlocking. Though instead of basing a whole map on the idea, I think I'll just incorporate it into one of my unfinished maps.
    Oh, and TrueJim showed me the early version you guys played together which was how I knew about the sentinel beam. He really liked it and was curious as to how interlocking worked.

    Poor sentinel beam. :(
    Don't worry, I'll put you back in there.
  9. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    You know I love you Furious. This map looks awesome I still need to perfect the interlocking objects. It looks great.

  10. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    This looks amazing! This is the first map i have seen made in Foundry that i didn't think to myself, "Still looks like Foundry..." Definitely downloading now.
  11. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    Interlocking=Sweetness. This is nicely done Furious. Another well done map.
  12. MineForFish

    MineForFish Ancient
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    Great map, but I was wondering if I could edit some equipment/weapons to my liking, if not I understand.
  13. PhazeTheInsanity

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    Hey great map Furious. I love small completive maps, and this really does the trick. Great use of interlocking and great design for a small level. Really gets rid of the "Foundry" feeling. Hope more great maps come out like this.

  14. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    Very fine quality map furious nice.
  15. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Absolutely! In my opinion, once a map is published you can do whatever you want with it. I've downloaded a few maps that I thought were awesome but needed some weapon placement tweaks. However, if you do change a few things and want to publish it to the community, you should include a little sentence that it was built by me. We don't want anyone getting mad thinking you stole my map.

    If you delete or move weapons, make sure you're not really deleting or selecting the box below it! A few times when I was editing this map I thought I had a weapon or grenade highlighted, but when I hit Y to delete it the whole floor underneath it disappeared. To make sure you're selecting the right thing, hit X twice and it will display the name of the item in the top left corner of the window that pops up.

    Neverless, concerning the Sentinel Beam, I like it too. I just thought that the general community would not like it. They probably don't know how awesome it is. Don't tell anyone. We can add it back in whenever we play head to head, but I will still own you! Lol, just kidding.
  16. Gavintaft433

    Gavintaft433 Ancient
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    WHoa!!! thats way good good job using the interlocking objects its awesome!!
  17. Lemonyguy47

    Lemonyguy47 Ancient
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    definitely not the best map ive seen... yet i really like it... and i dont know why... :squirrel_wtf:

    ALSO! :squirrel_rocking: i know what you mean by getting bored of foundry.... and i like how you made it so its mostly greenish instead of the usual boring dull gray... however im tired of foundry altogether... there hasnt been any maps made on anything but foundry and occasionally the other 2 new ones for like a month now...
  18. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    There's other maps besides Foundry? Seriously though, something like this map could not have been done anywhere else. Period. I think people aren't getting bored of Foundry, they're getting bored of the hundreds of duplicate maps getting churned out. That's why I wanted to do something fresh.
  19. Stolenpoo

    Stolenpoo Ancient
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    this is awsome. I love the overshield spot.
  20. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Tired of the same old Foundry maps? There are 13 other maps to choose from!
    (insert text here to make intentions of previous statement more apparently humorous(lol))

    Seriously... that is refreshing. Probably took some time, I'm guessing.

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