Kira's Playground [ACTION SHOTS]

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Dante_Decem, Jul 6, 2008.



  1. Terrible

  2. Sloppy

  3. Decent

  4. Okay

  5. Amazing (Flattery is fail.)

  1. Dante_Decem

    Dante_Decem Ancient
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    Kira's Playground is a map with many rooms designed to prolong battle and instill fear in a cat vs mouse sort of way. A running opponent may hop over an edge in fright of his persuer, and yet, may be jumping right next to an energy sword.

    The map includes tons of interlocking (I said interlocking, not good interlocking) and is inescapable. Although, there are different spots in which players can hide if they know how to grenade jump and/or see. This allows the game to be focused on the morality. You can turn a corner and be ripped to shreads by shotgun blast.

    Kira's Playground is a map good for 2-7 players on FFA, and allows for quick thought. You can be running from your opponent and realize that above you a mauler is hanging from the ceiling, or that carbine is squeezed between cracks in the walls. Also, set kill limit to 50 if there are the right number of players. On a map designed to be a bloodbath, the game ends too soon at 25 kills...

    I made this map with consideration. Every design flaw is... meant to be. As there is always something to be done with that design flaw. Such as an indention that allows you to hide from turret blasts for a few extra seconds (or more if you have a bubble shield or two...) And other pockets in the walls allowing you to hide or fall victim to a dead-end.

    I give you, Killers Playground.

    Torture Chamber^
    Turret Hell (note the stack of pallets in rear wall. Hide behind them)^
    Turret Hideaway1^
    Battle Compartment (There is an exit)^
    BC Entrance (jump into. If you walk straight in, it'll send you flying towards your enemies.)^
    Gravity Reliant Shotty (well, it can also rely on you shooting the pallet below it numerous times...

    CURRENT BATTLE SHOTS (there will be more)
    Too close to the sun
    JAZZ HANDS?!?!?
    Grenade Ownage
    If you're careful. No one expects you to be packing heavy artillary...
    Then again, if you're playing against n00bs... Careful isn't required...
    N00bs allow for slaughter!
    Manditory Needler Kill
    We cancelled out our deaths. He needled me and I beat him down just soon enough for us to reach a stale-mate. Note, this won me the game. So never let someone tell you stalemates don't count toward your score :D : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
    #1 Dante_Decem, Jul 6, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2008
  2. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    AHEM reported for this reason: Does not reach Forgehub's standards. Please take pics, embed pics, and make us happy :D
  3. Strangeday

    Strangeday Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Try taking them over again! This same thing happened to my boyfriend and it worked the second time!
    Kronos likes this.
  4. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah, embedding isn't that bad, but you do need to at least give us a download link :) It's near impossible to search the forums on Bnet.

    If you have any problems posting just pm me, I'll be happy to help.

    EDIT: Link broken, can't even test it out... sorry, please if you have any questions PM me!
    #4 Randle Scandal, Jul 6, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2008
  5. CPV18

    CPV18 Ancient
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    Retake them.


    Message a Bungie Mod and ask them how to fix it.

    Until then I and my fellow FH members will be unable to understand the map and therefore this thread will die and be lost forever. Or until yo update it.
  6. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Your map sounds very interesting, but until there are pictures I cannot really judge it good or bad. About the pictures: have you tried saving them to your file share? Normally if they do not upload right away, pictures will not upload. So I suggest trying to save them to your fileshare on your 360.-jelly
  7. Dante_Decem

    Dante_Decem Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ahem, read.

    And I'm using the suggestions to embed pictures now. If you'd read you'd understand I wanted to embed, it's just bungie didn't upload them.
  8. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    sorry i cant dl unless i have proof that its good with pics
  9. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    I admire your courage posting them without pics so I'll dl and check it out my self. I feel your pain a couple days ago I took a ton of pics, like 20 of them, and they got screwed up so see if you can fix it.
  10. Dante_Decem

    Dante_Decem Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I just put as many in File share as I could. Saved to My Pictures, then deleted, File Shared some more, Saved to My Pictures. And so on.
  11. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your link is still broken, I made a comment about it before, but you completely ignored it. Please fix it.

    The pictures are nice and really make the map look good. Sadly there is no way I can download it since you do not have a link.

    Fix it, or this will get locked, no joke.
  12. Dante_Decem

    Dante_Decem Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry for the wait. I'm used to BB coding and for some reason whenever I used BB coding the link was lost. It's fixed now. Thanks for your compliments :)
  13. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    glad to see you fixed the pics problem and now that the link is working i'll dl
  14. Own3dyoo

    Own3dyoo Ancient
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    its ok
    i personnally dont like it and think it could be better
  15. Dante_Decem

    Dante_Decem Ancient
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    Me too. I didn't spend near enough time on making everything look perfect. But most of them imperfections are actually useful. Such as hiding spots and grenade dodges.
  16. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Picture 6 makes the map look extremely messy. Is there any interlocking at all?

    Edit: I can't believe no one mentioned the Death Note reference...
  17. Dante_Decem

    Dante_Decem Ancient
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    Haha, have you ever seen a roof that isn't messy? Yes, that is the roof of the turret room.The pallet is bent like that to allow pure luck to drop the shotty. However, as already stated... You could just nade/shoot it down.

    And yes. The only things that WEREN'T interlocked were unexposed corners, the roof, and pallets. I think that's it. Everything else was pretty much a "End Round"
  18. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Yes I have seen many clean roofs, and that's not an excuse to make a messy one, you did make an interesting way for the shotgun to spawn however.
  19. Dante_Decem

    Dante_Decem Ancient
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    :p Truthfully, I have seen clean roofs. It's just I wasn't trying to win any awards. Just wanted to make a fun map.
    And the shotgun spawn isn't as random as I wanted it to be. Generally it will fall off the pallet at the beggining of the game. Not only that, but it will always fall at some point in the game without having to shoot it down. I'm beginning to wish I'd put more effort into the pallet placement so it doesn't fall as easy. That, or raising the shotgun up a foot or two.
  20. Dante_Decem

    Dante_Decem Ancient
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    I'm very happy with this map after playing a full game on it. I didn't quite think it'd be that fun. But it was an exilerating game for any experienced player. I hope more people download, I loved it more than I originally thought I would. The level of fun makes up for the sloppiness, haha.

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