Blockade is my first map that i spent any real amount of time on in forge, so don't be to overly critical but i think that its a really good arena map. Meaning that its good for small ffa's and 2v2's or 3v3's. I based it around a bowl which is a problem because it's a grenade pit, so to get around that problem i put a sword, the maps power weapon in the bottom of it. Thus bringing people into the bottom to get the controlling weapon. There are sniper posts on either side that have been shoved into the wall and make for a really good vantage point for the whole map. And lastly a i would like to address many of the comments that have a similar theme which is the concern for if you can or can't fall off of the map. Which you can but all of the doors are closed including the big windows on either side. also there are 8 warps placed under the map so if you fall off you need to make a choice because 4 kill you and 4 get you back up... you decide. This map supports FFA Slayer Small Team Slayer Oddball King of the Hill CTF Red Base Blue Base Overlook 1 Overlook 2 Check it out Here Keep Downloading Thanx --Oddisey
looks pretty good, but looks like you can fall off easily, unless there are walls. the bowl looks nice, and its all interlocked which is good, because many new people to this site dont know how to do that. it also could use a little cover. 3.5/5
the map looks good but a litlle more interlocking would bennifit you i like the idea of the bowl in the middle. good idea but a little more interlocking would make it a lot better.
is it possible to fall off? it looks like it if that was fixed then it'd be awesome, but until then its just OK dont let that get you down, its an awesome design and cool idea (especially for my favored gametype - FFA snipes) but you need to foolproof it so no1 falls off the map. 3/5 now, possibly 4 or 4.5 with improvements.
AN IDEA HERE: Why not substitute the weapon in the middle for a rocket launcher? The sword is a power weapon, but is completely useless at long range. People will likely be throwing the grenades from a longer range, canceling out the sword. In this case sword<grenades. I would make a rocket with no spawn at start and long respawn in the center, possibly with no extra clips. =) Respond with your thoughts of this idea.
i think the interlocking could do with being a bit better. I could imagine walking around and getting stuck in little holes etc. BUT, without them things i think that its a good idea and might work very well! oh and also some kind of boundry might be nice
The interlocking could be smoother, and there should be some form of wall to prevent people from falling off. As was said, the energy sword is probably not the best weapon for the distance that you can fight at. Also, the middle area could have a bit more cover in it. Those points aside, this is a unique and great map. The design is original and simple, and it should be fun. I'll download it and try it out.
The bowl is sick! I love the idea but the execution was less than admirable. Spend some more time perfecting your interlocking and making this map perfect and it could be great.
you can fall off the map but when you do there are 4 tele's that kill you and 4 tele's that get you back up onto the map.
looks really good, its a great idea and the wall on the outside look good, but some places need to b smoothed out like the fence walls in the blue base but besides that looks good
power wep in middle like mauler would be nice, and falling off would suck, so fix the basin pretty original
Cool map dude well made but it could have been a done a little better with the interlocking. but aside from that it looks like a really good areana map. dl
Agreed it looks like someone can just fall off, if you fix that it would be a very fun FFA or Team Slayer map to play on! I love the map, very original and very solid! KOTH would also be very suitable for this great map. 5/5
looks strange and really messy but im guessing that if every item looked the same then that wouldn't be an issue nice map but the pics dont really surmise what it is
Looks like a fun map 5/5, very well done interlocking i like the funnel in the middle . Keep Forging!