this map has great potencial. i just think so should make everything a little smoother and add some more weapons and this might be a good map for infection.
This is a pretty good map. Your post meets the standards which is good for a begnner. Maybe this should be moved to casual since it seems a little bit unbalanced. you merged a couple things and the helicopter looks pretty nice. maybe try to add more cover around the open spaces and more scenery. Good first post though
i need more pic of the helicopter itself. and the rest looks messy. should objects like double boxes to help straighten out alinement for the walls. but I DID see interlocking. so sorry but i igive it a 2/5 becuse only someinterlocking, messy and not many pics on the helichopper itself.
honestly it looks liek you constructed the heli and then made a junky structure( sorry for bein harsh but im tryin to help you improve) Then just added a bunch of random stuff here and there. 2/5 from me sorry but considering your new this is amazing becasue you have succesfully done geo-merging and interlocking ... which is pretty impersive from someone new to forgehub so i changed ti to a 3/5 ... maybe a version 2 would be nice!Peace!
The helicopter could use some work, but i think this would be a great map if you smoothed things out like those crates. I see you have knowledge of interlocking and some other forging 101 techniques, so if you added some more things to this map, like more stuff out in the open under the helecopter and maybe some more stuff in the air I think it would be great.
this is a quite cool map i thought when i read the title i was thinking how can you make a heli V2 i thought it was just the heli but no you made it something more
Ooh very good first post. I agree, this map has potential. I like how this is not just a map w/ 1 heli in it. You actually made the heli fit in the map. Im pretty sure you said this is not finished so I cant wait untill its done. 4/5 and a DL from me. Btw do the power cells exploding cause lag?
1/5 from me, but I dont expect all of ForgeHub's first posts to recieve love and DL's lol...dont worry about it man, just look around forge 101, and look around other people's maps for ideas, and ASK them for them, dont just use them....(Feel free to use anything from my maps....all in the future too, just you gots to gives me credits ) anyways all aside technique and stuff, it looks like you put some time into it, and thats always good! EDIT 2/5 for me, all that needs to look better is the heli
The Heli doesn't seem like an acutal Heli, it might need some work. The rest of the map however is good. I didn't see any interlocking, but you could add that if you wanted. 4/5.
As others have said this map has some good potential. Your "2nd Base" looks really cool and reminds me of a World War II bunker. In my opinion I think if you deleted everything but the base and made a World War II map off of it, this would be one awsome map. btw the helicopter isn't really doin' it for me ):
3/5 now, but add more stuff and it can be much better the '2nd base' looks great, imo the map just needs more structure and direction.
"Um, what's a world war 2 map? what is some features of one?" Well someone else could probably describe one a lot better, but here it goes. 1.There are usually human only weapons on map. 2.Structures are usually older looking human buildings. 3.Structures/scenery also doesn't have to look perfect (it was built during a war for crying out loud) 4.Structures can also be made to look like it was destroyed Well that's the best i can describe it. You could also look at some World War II pictures and look at the buildings/scenery in them. -Good Luck! p.s. you really used all of the walls on the bunker?
And guys, I don't know what to add to the map. That's why I need help. And continue with the constructive criticism, it's helping a lot.