Hi FH. I am looking for people to help me make a machinima that will, as Tex would say, 'rockzorz your sockzorz'. I need: Someone WITH A CAPTURE CARD to record the machinima A few actors/voice actors. Please leave a reply if you would like to help. BTW: The machinima will be a comedy series. One episode on each map then thts the series done. Or could there be a series 2? The recorder will also be an actor. __________________________________________________ Recorder: PwnCakes Actors: Monsta Masha (me of course lol) Supa Midget Mortarion ToochieHxC Substitutes: Dragoncoals Playerhata27 __________________________________________________ Thnx for reading!
I MAY be able to be one of the "actors"...i have a comp mic and all that lark,dpeends when your doing stuff though. Itll essentially just be me reading **** out for you right? And bobbing my head in halo three i assume GT=Supa Midget000
I would be interested in acting/Viocing. I have appeared in a few machinimas before GT=AClockworkFish
I have a capture card and im willing to help. Im just not very good at editing. i have a dazzle DVC 170 Platinum so its pretty good quality. GT= OP l PwnCakes l
Thnx you two I will add you to the list. Although we will not be able to make one if we don't have a filmer. And yes Supa Midget. Basically the actors will walk/run/crouch etc. about and bob their heads when they are meant to talk.
sounds just a little self-centered...? its not like if you are someone important you'll be more famous... youtube people don't care who were body actors or what ever... they just sit there and watch the vid.
ok so human highlight is out then and toochie, since you got here before dragon, you will have a definite spot. and dragon, you will be like a subsitute. you know, like if people get RRoD or dont have the right equipment to 'complete' the job. I will just update my post now.
Ok, you will be put on to the substitutes list. Just incase someone gets RRoD or we need someone to record the voice for them.