Military base and Labyrinth are both maps for the gametype 'The Beast'. Military base is for smaller parties and Labyrinth is for larger parties, whilst the original map was for middle sized parties. Labyrinth is on two layers for better gameplay and fun Zombie: 200% gravity, 1000% Damage resistance, Shotguns Humans: 200% gravity, BRS Here are some screens: Military Base overview: Labyrinth Top Overview: Example of Hiding Spots: Here are some gameplay screenshots: And the Gametype and other maps: Gametype Original Map- Medium sized parties Military Base- Small parties Labyrinth- Big parties
Are you sure that even with the gravity it's not escapable? It looks a bit cluttered, but with a hiding map I guess that's a good thing. 4/5
The Labyrinth looks a little too small for me. The military base is more my style. Looks clean and it looks like it took effort. I give you a 4.5/5.
Wow this looks really kewl, on the fact that its actually a big labyrinth, and how it made! I really want to play on Infection, or just possible Slayer... 5/5
That is only the top layer of the labyrinth- there are two, and anyway, all these maps seem much bigger when playing as a human. Thanks for rating btw. I doubt it can be escaped: 200% gravity means that you would need to buddy jump past the first layer, which would be difficult seeing as you must jump on the other players head, hwich is too high. If one player jumps on say a barrier then onto the head they can buddy jump up the first layer (possibly), but there is no way they could get up the last layer. About the clutter- Obviously I need to clutter the map up because the point in the map is to hide The description for the originals is 'hide or run but don't die fighting' because it would take 40 BR headshots to take down the beast, so it is better to simply hide. Hope that answered any questions Can you also rate and comment on the posts, Thanks EDIT: Oh and a bit of rep for me wouldn't do any harm
This looks decent though it doesn't look like a military base. in fact the base looks more like the labyrinth and the labyrinth could be a base. High gravity is kind of anoying and uou could have just put a roof on top. Good job though. 8/10
Military Base looks like quite a well-built map and i prefer it to labyrinth as that's on the small side. I think that the gravity may be an issue though. It might be a better idea to stick to the deafult gametypes
i would add a roof to the labyrinth so then you are sure you can not escape and also i think you need a few more pics in game play
It makes hiding more challenging You can make it 150% or 100% if you want, it doesn't make too much of a difference though.
like this you got my download the only the thing is the beast will have his back turned to enemies sometimes and only one assasination is needed to kill m so..
ive played it yesterday with some other people but i hate it that there are mostly no people who can play serious or want to play infection all doing there boring slayer on ffa pit oldest map of halo 3 now so boring and they also playing that stupid boring gametype maybe if there are more people in this thread who are having this and like to play infection add me please we can play it my gt is just my username of forum
wow the this is sick man, looks like an f'in giraffe. You should make more giraffes and make more fences for the zoo. also i think it would be permeable if you included a zoo keeper game type using infection. the spiders could have needlers like how they shot webs.