HA HA HA HA! I like how he copies the animations and everything, watch him t-bag. And I thought we were nerdy. Though he could have a future in movie props, they're well made.
Wow, that kid needs to do something a little more constructive with his life... I have a Halo poster and I thought that was going a little too far for a game. =\
i thought watching machinma and stuff was a little nerdy but wow that guy is really nerdy . Is he really 34 like his channels says
He is clearly not 34. I would assume the profile is set to 34 to allow him to watch the more mature content. He looks to me to be around 14-17
Lol lololololololololololoololoololololololololoololololololololol what the hell he's like 8 years old and he's built all the halo weapons man his parents should really get him in to some sport like rugby or something or else he will be a super virgin.
Well I guess none of you have been to then... most of those guys make halo props and such... and I don't care but I am willing to kill for Link's AR...
Sports...? Technically sports wont get him anywhere as well. Especially for him also xD So instead of one crazy nerd, there's a whole mass swarm of them?
You play rugby? if so youre a good man. Its true , people like that need to spend their time doing something constructive like selling all that **** on eBay...
If he could learn to make molds and learn some of the finer techniques of 3D modeling, he could have himself a good future making props. He has a good eye....most of those props were fairly accurate for cardboard and tape. Its kind of funny that he was mimicking the motions though, that gave me a good laugh.
At least hes young. Although I would have to admit that he did really good recreating those weapons. I really liked the Chaingun, that thing was amazing, but yea, he could have a good future in props in many movies. I'm glad though that I'm not that obsessive.
I voted pink. So this isn't actually spam, I will let you all know that I found this to be excruciatingly hilarious to watch...I can't believe what I just witness...Though, I would have to agree with DtL. He did have some really good remakes of weapons in's just...Why did he have really good remakes in there???
I thought the same thing. He just looks a little younger and nerdier. I love when he tries to Tbag and falls over. Hahahahaha