is it hard to find people to play with? I worry that I'll either get too addicted, or I will have no one to play with and it will be a waste of money. What u guys think? You will get sucked in, and will never see the light of day again.
nice knowin ya, even tho I really don't. it is not a waste of money but be warned you will not be able to ever get off it once u start. as for people to play with, u will never ever have a problem with that
NO! It's worth it, but it's not worth it. Trust me, after wasting months to get level 70 I left and never looked back. *must resist WOTLK*
well truthfully you will never have a problem finding players.....EVER! but I will warn you now it is quite possibly the most addicting game on the face of the planet its like taking drugs except more legal and better for your health. So yes if you buy it you will have a fun time but remember you won't stop playing till you reach 70 TRUST ME!
i play it quite a lot but im not addicted i play other stuff too once u hit 70 if u do make an alt with a different class i think its worth it if u do get it i play on server :bloodhoof character name :galfor,blackbane,draculea,galfort
i'll play with you. i got sucked it...then spat out. sucked in again, then out again....and now im just taking a few hits here and not addicted any moar. i swear....
its an amazing game dont listen to these crazy people. i love to play it but my parents recently stopped paying so ive switched to private servers and its hard to find a good one BUT FREE. but its not a waste of money at all. sometimes you need a break though so just try to not to play it EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY and you should be fine.
^^^ ya im going to go with him Wow isnt really good for ur health pls note southpark wow ep YouTube - SouthPark - World Of Warcraft
Lol, I guess what I meant was: Will it be easy to play with random players you meet. 7million players soo..yeah I guess not to hard to find people lol. I know it's addictive..I was addicted to D2 for oh so long, until i stopped..let my stuff expire, and now I can't go back or I'd cry after seeing "expired" on two accounts worth of gear Iuno, gotta get a new 360 so I can actually play more than halo (disk tray problem, annoying to change games) maybe that will fill the void i feel right now.
My friend bought WoW, it takes forever to level up and thus forever to accomplish things. After a week he quit saying it was - while fun - a complete waste of money and time. You'd probably fare better with a new xbox game rather than WoW.