Hello forgehub, I, The Human Highlight Reel, am proud to present my first map, (warning:here comes the download link.) Up Close And Personal Up close and personal, or UCAP, is a small assymetrical map made on foundry. My goal with UCAP is to create a large enviroment in a small space. This map features twisty halls, cool nooks, hidden power weapons, and a spacious second floor. The map combines close to mid range combat to create a field for all players. :Gametypes Supported: Oddball FFA Slayer Although very few Gametypes are supported, a team slayer and King of the hill version will be released. :Weapons list:* 6 Assault Rifles/30 sec 6 BR's/45 sec 1 Shotgun/180 sec/0 clips 4 Spikers/60 sec 1 Brute Shot/90/1 1 Sniper/180 sec/0 1 Sword/180 sec 1 Turret/Never *All weapons have two clips unless otherwise specified :Equipment List: 6 Frag/10 sec 4 Plasma/45 sec Now, since many of you only care about screens, I have prepaired 19 screens. Overview 1 Overview 2 Overview 3 Overview 4 Hall 1 Hall 2 Hall 3 Oddball Spawn Corner 1 Different Angle of center Shot through the fence Ball taken! Fireworks! Inside the hidden sword nook Sworded Turrent Pwnage Sword Counter From Behind Bulltrue waiting to happen Thank you for checking out my map, any constructive comments would be appreciated.
Get an overview pic. Noa. Lol. Really, it's nice having so many pics, but I can't see the layout at all form 'em, can you get even some sort of partial Overview? it would be nice.
ummm at this point its a really typical foundry map. nothing new or unique that would makeme want to dl. id give it a 3.5/5 just cus everything loks nicely put together but nothing stands out
I can't wait to play this map when I get back to my xbox. The aesthetics are simply amazing and I wonder how they will play too. This is definitely on my que.
To Kronos. Thank you, due to foundry's low cieling, I got you 4 overviews from different angles around the map. To CrouchAldino. try it first. Don't rate before you play. To Jeremy. Thank you for the compliment
The map looks interesting and gameplay looks like it would be a lot of fun, good job with interlocking and making a smooth map.
Thank you for the compliments. I have added a poll to this thread, and would request that mods delete my vote, because I only saw the 'view poll results' button after I hade already clicked on 'good'
this is a cool map i like where you put the map and excelent for your post map with 19 screenshots im very impressed this is great well done welcome to forgehub
Looks great for a non-interlocking map!? Nice pictures and palcement of the weaopns. Lol Love the turret pwnage! =P
Why is there a turret on this map? It's a close combat map, and a sword a sniper and a shotgun seems like maybe 1 too many power weapons. I say replace the shotgun with a mauler, and remove the turret.
The Turret Never Respawns, and it is there to prevent sword camping the back hallway. Besides. The sword and shotgun are very well hidden. The Sword can't even be accessed without a grenade jump
Oh, come on, you must have at least one pointless map or gametype. Get rid of your isolation canvas...
Congrats on first post, good job. It looks pretty good but not to unique. I still like it though dont get me wrong 4/5.
looks like a great map, but the screens had me a little confused, because i couldn't tell if one screen was on a different part than the other. just a little advice, for screens, have one section be all different areas of the map, and the other as many action screens as you want. this really helps people rate and judge your map 4/5 on the map
looks quite good, looks fun and well made to promote allot of good close quarter fighting, some places look abit rushed but it has a good layout well done