This is my first post so I hope its in the right place. Well I have an idea for a gametype that ive named Fist Of Fury for now. Its a game based on beatdowns. It will be played best on smaller maps. Fist of Fury Primary Weapon: Plasma Pistol No Grenades Forced Color: White (I just wanted everyone the same color) No Shields Damage Resistence: 300% Damage Modifier: 50% Speed: 110% Gravity:150% No Radars 2 Rounds 5 Minutes Each Beatdowns and Assainations give you 1 Point. Everything else gives you 0 Points. So please leave feedback. I want to know if you think this is a good idea. And if you think theres things I could change to improve it.
I'm gona make a suggestion make every body white because then every body doesn't go "huh where is the blue team?" Other than that issue and the name maybe getting "blamed" you should be fine
Good Idea I changed it so everyone is white and I changed the name. And is there any way to edit ayour poll?