Description: This is my first real attempt to make a large-scale forge creation. The ship is fully open to players with access to the Hangar Bay, Bridge, Fire Control Center, Engine Room, Armory and Crew Quarters. The MAC gun is functional and neseccary equipment to operate it is located in the Fire Control Center. Vehicles are included but are primarily to give the map a used feel, you can still wreak havok in them regardless. My photo embedding skills are a bit unrefined so please excuse me if they are a little messy. [img width=800 height=450][/img] The Ship [img width=800 height=450][/img] MAC gun front Engine Room Hangar Bay Download Map __________________________________________ "Bless this mess!" This thread may not reach "Forge Hub's Quality Standards" and may require clean up. __________________________________________ Download broken.
Like this one, no. I have some other stuff like a floating base on Sandtrap and a cargo container filled with explosives at Last Resort. Really basic, but i am thinking of other projects involving player-accessable structures. I'll keep you posted on my progress.
I would love to see more and I will download it now, but have you done any gameplay in it even though it is aesthetic?, because I think it would work well Consider your 7 downloads 8
I think it looks ugly lol... :squirrel_chatting: U should interlock it and make it more sleek looking like spaceships are
Nice job! I will for sure by trying this one out. I just wish that it was playable it would provide some great action if you just touched up the innards a bit more with some cover etc. It would play out nicely!
I suppose i could make a playable MK.3 variant. I'll put it on my "To Do" list but it might be a while, i'm attending college now so i've got a tight schedule. :squirrel_evil:
do you mind if I use this for a film Im lookin for a couple asthetics to make a series. More info look
Whoa thats way cool great job it would've been cool if you put a warthog or two in the hanger bay :squirrel_wink: