Lost Relics Pictures Overview Great Temple Rocket Spawn Sniper Spawn Active Camo Description Uncover the Ancient Secrets Beneath this long forgotten Battlefield. Once An Ancient Battlefield for many years and through many years is all but Remains of this once Horrific place. Good With Slayer Gametypes and Good for 6-16 players. Download Here
Ummm... I know you geomerged and interlocked a lot, but this is one of the worst maps I have seen. It is very very empty. Like there is literally nothing on it. I don't know how gameplay goes but it just doesn't look very appealing to me at all... It doesn't have that you know, push to it... the push that makes you think this is a good map. Maybe you should make it with a little less concentrating on geo merging and more on how gameplay would work on it.
just because you have merging dosent mean your map is great add some cover and play it more while making the temple does look cool though but there should be more structures 3.5/5
I think this map could be very good in v2, I know this is just a first draft as you said. Some more structural work, specifically near the walls of foundry, would really help this map. Some significant, holdable structures, one against each of the yellow walls would be nice. I like the temple bit, and think you should focus flow along that side of the map, leaving the back wall more like a corridor (think rocket tunnel on the pit) for flank attacks, more protected by structural work. A more significant central divide, in some areas at least, would serve to divide the map a bit more and make the middle ground less of a hazard to traverse. I would also move either the sword of the invis. I like the sword where it is, it looks good, so I would personally put the invis against the opposite wall to the sword, in the back corridor I mentioned. These are all just ideas obviously, but I hope you find some of them useful. You seem pretty comfortable geomerging and interlocking, and if you extended that into more significant base-like structures, this map could be really nice.
Too much open space, close it up a bit. Looks pretty plain but at least you know how to interlock and merge.
i agree with the rest try to make your map a little less open but dammit you geomerged well. i can never geomerge neatly. 3/5 for the map and 5/5 for the geomerging
Does not appear to need much interlocking, the geomerging looks awesome. My only fear is that the active camo structure does not look very 'playable'. Other than that, nice arena map. 4/5.
I like the layout of the map alot! Although I think you could have added a little more detail and some higher structures for some more intense gameplay, other then that I think this is a great map! 5/5
As said before: The map isn't very good. I see you interlocked, and geo-merged, but that doesn't mean anything without a solid layout. Before you make your next map, or a V2, get the layout straight in your head. It will turn out much better if you know what you're building. Sorry to say the map is bad, I know you're probably tired of hearing that, as I've read a lot of these comments, but it's true. =/
Thank you very much for being the first to enjoy the map. I have added on to the structures and made it more A,B,Central bases so it had some structures. sorry for double posting