Here’s an idea I thought of for a classes game mode similar to Team Fortress or Stars Wars Battlefront. I know this can sort of be done in Forge, but it would nice if it was built into the game.This mode would be available to most team-only game types (CTF, Assault, etc.) and team slayer. This allows you to select the kind of solider you wish to use in battle. When this mode is on, no guns can be picked up. This is because picking up weapons will ruin the soldier class (making it unfair for the most part). Here’s an idea for a standard solider collection: Name: Basic Spartan Weapons: Assault Rifle, Battle Rifle Traits: all normal Name: Basic Elite Weapons: Plasma Rifle, Needler Traits: all normal Name: Basic Brute Weapons: Spike Rifle, Brute Shot Traits: 90% speed Name: Sniper Weapons: Sniper Rifle Traits: Enhanced radar with 150 meter range, 10 meter 100 meter radar influence, 90% speed Name: Ninja Weapons: Sword Traits: 125% speed, 50% damage resistance, 90% gravity, high invisibility Name: Heavy Weapons: Rocket Launcher, Spartan Laser Traits: 110% damage resistance, 50% speed Name: Medic Weapons: Pistol Traits: 125% shield regeneration, 10 meter 200% shield regeneration influence Sense you can’t pick up weapons you can’t get ammo. There are two ways to deal with this. One way is to have armory spots on the map that will refill your grenades and ammo. There could also be a timed event (let’s call it “payday”) that refills a player’s ammo. When the game starts, a small window will appear with the name and stats of the classes. Pick one of them and then go off into battle. The window will appear every time you die. If you die, just press B to stay the same class. You can kill yourself to change your class from the start menu. If you want to make your own game variant with classes just go to the class settings and turn it on. You can make up to 8 classes that have regular traits and proximity traits that can be altered. You can also set the number of people on a team that can be a particular class. Payday can be altered in a number of ways including how or when payday activates (when you team gets a point, on a timer, when you make a certain number of kills, etc.), who the timer affects (all players, single teams, single players, etc.) and how long a timer goes for. In forge you can place cabinets and give then certain settings. So, what do you guys think? Feel free to post your own ideas related to classes. Also, tell me if you don’t understand something. I’ll update it sometime so keep on checking on this page.
Me and some of my freinds made a map were you are classed based, and trust me, tis not fun. If you want to play a game bassed on classes, go get COD4
if only you can do the area of influence for like a custom power up that would be cool i like the medic ideal. i was wondering what halo would be like if they went with a battlefeild approach to it i think it would be great.