Hey guys, my birthday is coming up, i am getting a number of games. But i can't decide whether to get: Guitar Hero 3 & Guitar Bundle Pack and just get Guitar Hero Areosmith when it comes out in Australia, August 6... OR Just buy Guitar Hero 3 on its own, wait till August 6.. and get the Aerosmith game + guitar. OR Don't get aerosmith because i don't really like them.
Get Rock Band instead. It's a million times better, Aerosmith isn't any good (the band, but prob'ly the game as well), and GH3 was the worst of the series (not counting the DS one).
If you don't like Aerosmith, don't get it and just get GH3. I personally like aerosmith though so I would get that game.
Don't get any. Get clothes, or save for a car, or buy a Mac. But if you really want a game, Battlefield Bad Company.