The only major games i have are Halo 3 and COD4. I love halo 3 and my friends convinced me to get COD4 and i barley ever play it. I dont want GTA 4. Im thinking maybe either Fable 2(when it comes out), Orange Box, Halo wars (when it comes out), or Too Human (when it comes out). Or something else? Im not big on shooters, (halo is the first shotter i liked) and i hate sports and racing games. Help!
orange box. i don't own a copy but i played tf2 at my friends house its a crazy game. and you get like 4 others with it. i'd say rent gta 4 though, it isn't as addictive as the other ones.
I'm going to say Halo wars because that looks awsome and alot of fun.THink of it like 200 pelicans vs 300 banshees with spartans and elites fighting on the ground. Now tell me thats not awosme.
ive heard mass effect is really fun, but i also heard it has no online/double player. and playing with my friends is one of the best things about games. oblivion sounds really fun and has lots of gameplay but once again no multiplayer. fable 2 has multi player and looks awsome. but HALO WARS! i love rts's. and i want to c what ones like on the xbox. Is halo wars going to be online? and if so how will it work? And the main reson i would want orange box is for tf2 and portal. (i have no idea what half life is about) tf2, i love class fighting games! if only alo had a game type for that... and portal just sounds freakin awsome!
orange box is about 150 hours+ of entertainment in just half life alone and portals own team fortress 2 is good in all it cartoony goodness
Yes, Halo Wars is going to be online. Pretty much, it's just like every other RTS, pick your side and battle to the death. Although I'm sure you can have teams too, but it would be 2 on 2 and so on. Half Life is one of the most story oriented games on the planet. It's just as epic as Halo. Portal is hilarious and can be challenging. Also, I haven't played TF2 either, and I really don't care. Also, Fable 2 wont be out for a little while, so you would have to wait, this includes Halo Wars too. Also, although playing with friends is fun, playing alone could be just as good. Personally if I could choose one game right now and already had Halo 3, I would get Guitar Hero 3 (if you like the genera), or Elder Scroll's 4 Oblivion (the very first game I owned for Xbox 360). Either way, you can't really go wrong with any game you choose seeing how they're all really good.
Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that you bought games for your friend. Seriously though, what happened to the good old days where a single player game didn't have to have any form of multiplayer to gain fame? You want to play with a friend? Pass them the controller after a mission. I'm sure you two will enjoy that very much.
Get. Orange. Box. Having said that, your other options are the Orange Box, Bioshock, Orange Box, or Orange Box.
get bioshock if you want a deep immersive{no pun intended} creepy and complex single player but if you want some amazing frantic multiplayer action and the best looking mutiplayer levels get unreal tournament its amazing the orange box is also very good and cheap
I find that boring and irritating when my friend doesn't so the right thing. I really only play games if friends are either playing or at least watching, I get bored easily if I'm playing something by myself... But anyway, back to the topic. Oblivion is a great game to play, by yourself or while talking to a friend while you are both playing it! (Insaane should know ) Dead rising is also a great and hilariously fun game to buy, killing zombies with various shopping mall items.
mass effect was the worse rpg game i've ever played. really, don't get it, i tget really old, really fast. If you get anything, wait for fable 2.