First off, I know wha your thinking, another ship map, great. Well, you'de be partley right, and partley wrong, as UNSC Burton is not your ordinary ship map. Alow me to clarifiy; to shed some light on the situation, everytime I play on a ship map, I feel like the interior is always super under developed, hence, I built UNSC Burton, my goal was, and is, to build a ship map with a superior interior. UNSC Burton is my first attempt at this. Now, I won't lie, i'm not veary good at forging, and this is a first attempt, so it could be better. UNSC Burton is a fully decorated and (hopefully) realistic ship interior. The intial response to the map I get is, A: It's quite small, and B: it gets to be veary claustrafobic. Of course, since I channeld all my resources into creating an athsetically pleasing inside, there really is no "exterior" to the ship. Now that explaining is out of teh way, I can give you a bit of backstory. The UNSC Burton is a tiny military smuggler, built by the UNSC to smuggle goods into besieged citys, it is extremley fast, stealthy, and small. Seeing as this map was created with "experimental asthetic" in mind, it has only four basic weapons, and it's not configured for any gametypes, this map was soeley created to look nice on the inside. I plan to build an up-dated version, however, that may be configured for small 2-3 player slayer, juggernaught, etcetera. Please, make your criticism constructive, and read my post thourghley so as to avoid your self humiliation. P.S. This map is not named for Burton snowboards, it is named for my mothers maiden name. w00t, now it's time for teh pics; Go to page 2 for MORE pics. The cryo bay: The storage area: The command brige: And finally, the teleporter hallway: DL UNSC BURTON
Well, until you can actually look at the map, d/l it and play on it, dont judge this map. Also I higly doubt you can do any better. Map looks good but could be better, more screenshots would help out also.
hey, constructive criticism only. The interlocking looks pretty good, but it doesn't look like a ship (as far as i can see from screenies) looks more like the inside of a building. anyway, its just hard to get a feel for the map from the screens 6/10, could use work
Thanks for the critisicm, I took more screens, but they got lost in the depths of my halo fileshare and I can't find them.
LOL sorry sorry, i was pissed about something else and decided to rant....get an admin or Moderator to delete that comment....quite like the inside, need more pics though!
oh ya and btw use a different font in your post (might as well change that now...) cuz its hard as hell to read.....
Looks small and cramped from the pictures. The only way I can get a good feel from it is if I DL. You haz 1 DL
thread name has to be the same as map name, and the font is annoying. i'm not even going to talk about te map.
He doesn't need more pictures. He has already stated that it is a small map. It looks good, and this is very original. I love how you have decided to focus on the interior, so it seems like the ship you see in a movie when playing instead of being a straight line, it has rooms and curves. I'll give you a 4/5. I don't really like the teleporter placement on that one bridge, maybe make a teleporter door. The walls in the storage area for the ceiling look a little uneven, and probably should be interlocked. As for the thread, make sure it is only the map name. He bnasty, that is kind of mean saying you "won't talk about the map." That is the reason it was posted. You have no reason to not talk about it unless you cannot see anything about it. BTW: Can I perhaps see an exterior picture? I know the focus is the inside and that is where it is played, but I am curious to see what parts of foundry have been used.
Okay, I took some more pictures, and I can't change the font. some "exterior" shots: Another shot of the command brige: The tele-porter hallway: And finaly the other side of the cargo bay:
yeah i would definatly add more pics. the ones up only show the inside of the ship, no exterior so for all we know this is just a TINY map. although i love burton snowboards, 1/5 stars EDIT: lol page was up when you posted more picture. next time i would edit the first post and add the pic's to yours collection because most people don't look into every post on this map. Still 1/5... keep trying?
AAAAAwwwwww..... when i read it i thought u made some sort of snowboard map because burton is like my favourite snowboard company!Dang.... lol still its a pretty good aesthetic map.Peace!