Alright ever hate those orange peices coming out of the walls on foundry? Not anymore. This one is a bit complicated, but you can do amazing things with this glitch. ] Heres what you need to do: We'll start off by explaining how to push a double box into the ground - once that's explained it's a similar process to force any immovable objects into a wall or any other map geometry. As an example, the double box in the first screenshot was forced into the ground to leave it 3 walls high above the floor. To do this, lay 3 walls flat on top of each other and then place the double box on top. Delete the walls so you have a floating double box. Now set the floating box to 'Place on Start: No' and assign it a long respawn time to give yourself time to complete the next steps. Start a new round and the double box will not yet have spawned - however, it's small blue dot representing it's spawn location will still be visible. Looking directly down at the floor above the spawn location, place another double box and lower it onto the ground. Don't ever let go of this double box you are placing, or it will disappear in later steps. Press X twice to bring up the object menu and set the 'Run Time Minimum' for the double box to the 'Run Time Maximum'. This will cause the floating double box you placed earlier to instantly respawn and force the double box you are holding into the ground. Whilst still holding the double box, press start to bring up the menu, save, and then quit. Restart forge and the double box will be merged with the ground. Now all that is left is to delete the 'pushing' double box resting atop it, et viola! How far do you want the object in the ground/wall? It depends how high you float your 'pushing' object off the ground. The space between the ground and the 'pushing' object is how much of the 'pushed' object will be left visible above ground. The same process applies for pushing objects into walls, except you have to go through the procedure at 90° to the floor. The object comes out sideways or not straight, how do I make it straight? Simple, use double boxes to keep it straight. Put some on all sides so it will go into the ground/wall perfectly straight. The objects keep dissapearing when I let go! Dont let go of it, instead press start, save your map and quit, when you load up your map again the object will be in the ground/wall. - Any questions post them here. Enjoy.
I'm sort of surprised though. For that angled bridge I'm surprised the box didn't just flip the bridge into going horizontal.
Wow, you are full of uselfull tips! I can think of many uses for this. You could also use this yourself to add those little platforms in the main teleporter room in your Chill Out remake. Does this only work for non-moveable objects? For instance, could i make a roadblock or pallet stick in the floor so it won't move?
Remind me to tell my boss not to hire you if you ever apply to be a software tester. :squirrel_shiftyeyes: But yeah, good find man.
Uh.. OK then... *kneels on floor* ... ... Will you marry me? This is going straight into forging 101 you marvellous person.
I've had boxes spawn and force each other under the ground but I've never thought to use save and quit. I've just let go and they fall out the map. Very interesting. Good job with this dude. Gonna experiment with it now.
I totally feel like an idiot because I've done this several times on accident while trying to merge objects, then three seconds later wishing like hell I had a smaller bridge or wall to use. *smacks self in forehead*
thats amazing but i am having trouble understanding the how-to. plz pm me with an easier to follow guide.
From now on discussion for this technique should take place in the Forging 101 discussion thread: Here IT WON'T WORK NO MATTER WHAT I TRY!!! -- AZN FTW