Omg, I love that clip from "The Adventures of Mark Twain". I've only seen the major scenes, but I have to say, all-be it creepy, this is the stuff kids should be watching, they might actually learn something. more...that is ****ing awesome... If I saw that as a kid I woulda been so ****ing god...that is...just post more...for the love of all that is good in this more lol
The man who made this is a genius truly amazing its so creepy yet I love it. Who wrote this storyline does he have any books? Really I just love this kind of stuff.
Wow! why it get banned? lol Was that actually a kids program that was banned or was it just a creepy plastecine video
Omg, I know right? I was watching such lame **** compared to this! I am rather disappointed I am watching it now vs when I was a child...
Satan seriously frightened me, but as you should all know. i love being scared. this was sooo ****ing badass!!!
Why is Einstein Satan?!?! That was extremely creepy. That is also not how I envision Satan... And hell if I could make clay figures come to life, I would totally destroy them all, it would be hilarious. I don't understand why it's so wrong... unless its a metaphor for humans...
The claymation in this is excellent.. The expressions on the faces and how satan's face keeps shifting.
that was the best "kid's show" that I have ever seen amazing, it's called the "adventures of mark twain?"
my friends showed this to me last week, and we were just thinking who the hell was trying to get this on TV. Don't know the name of the show though.
it wasnt a show. I dont know why the OP said was a movie entitled "the adventures of mark twain"