Chiden Map Description: This map is meant for up to 8 players and can play any gametype. There are two identical bases on each side that have passages that go to the other either though the middle, top or bottem path, or by a side path. The middle then has two side exits that allow you to enter to the other passageways. Weapons list and Map overview Pictures: Overview of each base A-Base B-Base Middle Section One middle exit Other middle exit entrances to pathways Side passage Me putting down Ole' Yella :'( Anyways that is basically my map i may have messed up the weapons a little cause i did it from memory but for the most part thats them. Im going to try and test this to see if people would even like it and if i should make a V.2 but if not its not that big of a deal well Here is the map and if you could comment and give advice it would be appreciated thanks again and if you want to help me test it out to see if it needs to be done again tell me thanks again.
cool map ill dl an look at it... by any chance do you now how to play maps created from foundry designer cause i made a good one and i want to see it
the bowl thing is awsome and original, great job.. the layout looks nice and it all looks really simple but interesting at the same time the only thing i can suggest is flipping your bridges and boxs. the post is also really nice with good info and a layout drawing.
Thanks i have been wondering what i should do to improve on and wanted to see what people would say and i know i need to improve on that side passage but wanted to see what else too thanks guys
this map looks nothing like forge an gives it a new feeling. and the middle in very original none's made a dome like that in forge i think
I don't think you can, it's just a way to toy around with concepts. Looks like a pretty sweet map. Does the bowl contain any power weapons? That would be pretty awesome.
the central pit area is very sweet looking, and im sure many awesome battles happen there, but some of the rest of the map seems like you rushed it a little, or wasnt sure what you wanted to do with it. The layout is actually very nice, and mostly everything is great. ill definately be downloading.
I have fixed the bridges and the corridor a bit and im sorry that the map seems that i kinda threw it together or whatever it is your thoughts were i actually had tried to make it look good but when i had started the map i didn't use money glitch so i quickly ran out of money sorry it shows im trying to make it the best looking i can and really have spent Alot of time on the map but i do thank you for telling me so i can try to fix it
not all of it, or even alot of it. there are just little minor things that support your lack of budget. its not really a big deal. the only thing i REALLY suggest is flipping and interlocking bridges. the rest is pretty sweet as is.
I did flip bridges and made them smooth... i think but thanks for the advice and i really like both your maps and Blaze814 maps too they are awesome thanks again and keep telling me stuff to improve on please
well the map seems like a cool symmetrical map and the middle is the best part. also why did you have to put down ol yella like was he sick? lol
He...wimper... had a good life but had to be put down... anyways the gametypes i recommend team ones but have played KoTH, Oddball, and Slayer on it so i'd say it can do all but i would say team games are best
Yeah. You obviously can't tell too much from screenshots, but it looks cool, and of course the bowl is amazing.
this is a very well made map but i find it a bit boring dull don't no why but i do the map is good and the post is good as well.