I'm Going to Test All of your Creative Minds. I want to see Who Can Get The Closest to the Correct Answer. I have a screenshot Below, and I want you to use your imagination to the best of your ability, to tell me how this happened. before i show you, i'm going to say a few things to get you started. A. I am in the Picture, i took it, and i Do know how it Happened. B. The Weapons We are Holding are Not Involved in anyway. C. We Did Not Jump off the Tower, Hill, or Cliff D. This was not staged, (which is why it made us so mad) E. This Game Was Played on a 3 Person Co-Op on the Covenant And....Go! Caption: Our BroadWay Tryout was a Rousing Success!
I say you were walking out on a tower catwalk type thing, then you fell off the end because you didnt see the edge?
I think a death barrier killed you and tossed you off the cliff. Or maybe your other player splattered to over the edge.
ooohhh..... you got so close with bosh guesses, but they are both wrong. here's another hint. player 3 is involved
oohh... you guys keep getting close. but all above answers are all incorrect. here's another hint.player 3 was unaware that he had done this (untill we started yelling at him)
For some reason you guys weren't in hornets, but P3 was, and you guys were on land, possibly at the 2nd tower getting the skull, or on the island killing the brutes. And then P3 hit the checkpoint and teleported you off the safety of the land to where he was, and he was in the air, so you guys fell.
That is absoultly 100% Correct. (wow thats discriptive) Heres what happened. You know that Civi Hog that the marines give you after clearing the 1st Tower, all 3 of us were arguing who was going to get the 2 seats i got passenger, P3 got driver. P2 Had teh hammer, (and since i accidentaly blew up the mongoose), P2 stood on the top of the car. after we hit a few bumps, he fell off. He jumped back on and said, " im swinging the hammer if you guys bump me off again" Wouldnt you know he was telling the truth. the hog fliped over, & we all scrambled to get seats. I didnt get it. I told them, i'm sticking the hog if you guys take off without me. P2 had got the drivers seat this time. He peeled out. I kept my promise. Here is where I stuck the "hog" (this is the actual picture) Everyone scrambled once again to the upside down hog, P3 got there first again, but this time, didnt wait for one of us. He peeled out, and went for his hornet. Me and P2 started to run to the beach. i went right, he went left around the cliff. we both arived at the hornets at nearly the same time. However, we were mere feet from it, when, just as Orangeremi guessed, he hit the checkpoint, and we fell to our deaths. DAMN YOU PLAYER 3!!! THOSE WERE THE BEST WEAPONS AVAILABLE ON THAT LEVEL!!!! Congratulations Orangeremi. your prize is....an imaginary chocolate cookie!