Breakneck [V2]

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mysterious D, Jul 5, 2008.

  1. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Download here

    Version two adds much more cover to many open areas of the map, ever so slightly rearranges a few weapon placements, and shortens the width of the Attacker's base to give more use to the map's actual geometry; the crane.

    Overview #1

    "Greatly inspired by Halo 2's "Headlong", this urban environment leans players towards strategic gameplay. [6 FFA; 4v4 Team]"

    I've had the idea of a Headlong remake in my head for quite a while, but was never sure how to go about making it due to Foundry's limits of both size and materials. I knew I could never make the entire map, and attempting such would have me building it to such a small scale that would be both unplayable and very messy. The obvious choice I had in mind was to build a section of it, the section most playable where most of the better game play took place, and in my opinion this was the waterfront side of the map, including the two bases connected by a teleporter and excluding the bridge and the moreover barren part of the map. Now before you exit this thread due to the map's main trait being removed, this was done to improve game play, meaning me building this map around this immense structure would leave many unhappy with the end result. Instead I chose to build around said bridge opening the map up very much yet still leaving enough cover, along with many exits and entryways. Though a two day speed forge, this map inspires unconventional game play whilst still retaining that competitive aspect in-game that Halo has been known to give us after a great win.

    A big thanks to:

    Insane54 for helping teach me a more accurate way of geometry merging,
    LevelNext for assisting me with CTF spawn problems.
    Iv0rY Snak3 for inspiring me to get off of my ass and update this.
    The many testers I've had during the map's making, there are too many to here to include by name.


    "Waterfront" Side

    Defender's Base

    Defender's Base: Upper Level

    Defender's Base: Lower Level

    Defender's Base: Alley

    Attacker's base

    Attacker's base: Upper Level

    Attacker's base: Lower Level

    Set up for all game variants underneath Slayer, Capture the Flag, Assault, and Territories.

    Download Here
    #1 Mysterious D, Jul 5, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2008
    FreshCherry, Y35 <3, Insane54 and 2 others like this.
  2. Insignia

    Insignia Ancient
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    Jeez man took you awhile but hey its a really good map, its perfect for 4v4 or 3v3 even 1v1.
    #2 Insignia, Jul 5, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2008
  3. J3R3MY 117

    J3R3MY 117 Ancient
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    Woah! This map is so clean, with the geomerging and interlocking!
    You have my download.
  4. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Wow, it looks pretty cool, I'll DL this, and leave a better response.
  5. Felshot

    Felshot Ancient
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    Clean, perfect, none of these descripe how good this looks. I'll Dl and see how good it plays, which I'm guessing should be good.
  6. Coolplayerman

    Coolplayerman Ancient
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    Nice looks very clean. Queud to DL!
  7. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    Wow Dom, this map looks really nice. Soooo very clean Ö

    Overview one:
    I'm liking that bridge and how you interlocked the stairs.
    The alternating fence, single box, fence, single box is rather sexy

    Overview two:
    The building on the left is nice, I like the walkway the sticks out. That building does remind me of Headlong alot

    Defender's base is schweet, its good that you put the rockets under the bridge, makes it riskier to get them if there are enemies around.
    I love how you, put the fences around the boxes in the alleyway

    I cant get over how clean everything is.

    Attacker's base is also very nice. The Geo merging with the crane is interesting and would have been hard to line up so nicely like you did.

    I like the double stairs, and the little hollow next to them. The platform at the top of them is a good addition.

    The geo merging by the turret is pleasent =]

    Overall this is a really nice map both aesthetically and playability-wise.

    Two thumbs up from me.
  8. Bretonfish09

    Bretonfish09 Ancient
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    Wow nice job! Obviously, it's not gonna be as good as if Bungie finally decided to re-release Headlong, but I can see where ur design would improve gameplay. 17/17

    btw, what is this " more accurate way of geo-merging" u speak of?
  9. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    what are those stairs doing in the ground, they dont go there??? lol
    Looks very nice, looks like it'll provide a lot great custom games. I love how you've sacrificed aesthetics for playability, that's always a plus in my book.
    I'll dl and try to report back later with my findings

    Could I please see a weapon list maybe?
  10. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    This map is very very well.I had the pleasure of testing this so I know from experience.The gameplay is really good with amazing interlocking + merging making it really fun.Just theres seems to be a loss of cover in some spots which are big and open[/suggestversion2].But overall great job on this and can't wait to see more of your work =).

    P.S.I got bootzors when I was playing with ya =(.
  11. j trip out

    j trip out Ancient
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    Looks really good and clean. I suggest more cover on the ground outside the towers. Maybe something to look into. But other than that, looking good.
  12. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    this will be getting featured i guess also i like how you have a mongoose i never see that in this type of map if you know what i mean cause it seems to be a more fighting than riding map well done
  13. Capital Reload

    Capital Reload Ancient
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    The bases look perfect and everything has a nice touch. And yes for like the hundredth time, it's very clean ;P. Nice job.
  14. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Great map! Perfect Merging and building structure! With a few vehicle and weapon could post that again as a Headlong remake!
  15. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    Good merging, and geo-merging. Nice and clean, just how I like maps. So yeah Ill download and give it a try.
  16. AcidChris

    AcidChris Ancient
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    Awesome. Nice interlocking and stuff.
    One thing though, what's up with the stairs half-way into the boxes?
    Just wondering..
  17. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    quick post for DL latter. will modify post as well
  18. halo00178

    halo00178 Ancient
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    this is a great map with great merging and playability. 4.5/5
  19. Elkan Viel

    Elkan Viel Ancient
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    I remember the good old days when I would play Headlong. And this reminds me of it. I give you a 5/5 nice map. Will download.
  20. Pwnology

    Pwnology Ancient
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    This is really clean, nicely interlocked, and reminds me of my favorite Halo 2 map, Headlong. Downloading now...

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