Download Here Ok, well, this is a completely symmetrical Isolation. This map has a hidden Flare and a hidden MissilePod, it's up to you to find them. This map supports any 2 team based gametype. I have never tested it so it might not be very good. All the spawns ar near their main base. I'm not really one for putting spawns out in the open. Plus, it would be hard to place them behind some rocks because those are random on both sides. Weapons on both sides include: CovenantCarbinex5 BattleRiflex8 AssaultRiflex4 Fragx4 SpikeGrenadex2 TripMinex2 GravLiftx2 Magnumx2 Maulerx2 GravityHammerx1 Shotgunx2 SniperRiflex1 MissilePodx1 BruteShotx2 BubbleShieldx1 MachineGunTerretx4 Mongoosex4 Ghostx1 PICTURES Above Inside Ghost in the sights SniperSpawn GravHammerSpawn Mr. Bubble
Good job on choosing a non-DLC map, most people don't. This map would probably be a better version of Isolation, but I can't tell so add some more pictures such as where the bubble shield spawns, etc.
I have to give this a 1/10. You don't have a lot of pics and nobody usely dosn't like isolation. Hi your post dosen't meet forgehub standers.I hope you continue to post on forgehub.Happy Forging.
WOAH! a map on isolation! thats odd. props for making this. but i do think u should add a mor indepth description, and a few more pics. i give this a... 3.75/5
TBH, this is very unimpressive. All it looks like is just an Isolation variant. With all of the weapons placed, the gameplay doesnt seem like it'll flow well at all. A hammer, a sniper, 2 shotguns, a missile pod and a ghost, whoever gets the first few kills will just dominate the entire game... 4 Turrets? What are the weapons' settings. We know exactly how its set out, because there's no structural differences, we need to know how differently it is as far as gameplay goes.
Thank you linubidix for your... intimidating response. I'll be sure to remember it for future maps, if I make anymore.
Well I didnt mean to intimidate or to be overly angry. Just, it seems overloaded. Still, I'd like to know the respawns and clips etc. for each of the weapons.
I personally dont like Isolation(which means no download), but its nice to see more maps developed then ones from the DLC. Also, add more choices to your poll, I dont want to choose "GIVE UP ON FORGE", and at the same time it's not "eh, if-if"...don't many people would appreciate it if you didn't rate your own map. Even if it is the worst rating given.
Well, if I make v2 I'll be sure to take out the GravHammer and the Missile Pod and lower the amount of turrets. Just don't ask me to re-do the spawn points, that was deathly boring.
I personally do not enjoy isolation. that being said when someone does something with it it makes me want to check into it. sadly, this was not one of those times. the weapons being moved around is not enough reason to have my dl. do more with it and maybe. and what i mean is incorperate territories and changing the effects they give you. or a KotH variant to modifay gameplay further 1.5/10
I didnt even know you could place a missile pod on Isolation. If you can place a missile pod, I assume that a Banshee is placable on Isolation too.
Trust me it is. The gameplay was terrible with 2 banshees because the roof barrier is pretty low which meant running into a lot of map geometry.
well finally there is a map on isolation so good job on that and the map looks pretty good also you should test a map before you post it because the spawns may be screwed up. lol mr bubbles its dream time now
+1 for being on isolation -1 for not doing much other than moving weapons around/adding them 3/5, im afraid. there's not a whole lot of forging done here.
i actually like this a lot better than original isolation. (i know who would ever think that 4 turrets and power weapons would make a good map) i played a 4v4 ts match and it accually equals out. it still needs some work with placement of items but still better than original. 7/10
Being probably the only Halo 3 player who actually likes Isolation, I think this is a decent variant. It seems like a lot of power weapons were added, that's the problem I believe most players have with Isolation: not enough power weapons. Did you change any other layout of Isolation or is it pretty much the same other than the weapons that you added, and did you place any movable scenery?