this could be useful... I'll dl and maybe I will use it in the near future. It would be better if it was wider, like many others have said. A V2 would be nice.
I dont mean to sound like an ass, but I doubt how helpful this will be. Its a massive waste of resources. And for a flat surface of boxes, unfortuneately its impossible to remove the bump when walking over them.
Linubidix, it undoubtedly remove MOST of the recoil from the bump. Even if it is a great waste of resources, some people dont use boxes for structures. And to tell you the truth, you did sorta sound like an ass.
Well I tryed not to, what I was trying to say was that this would help unseasoned forgers, but not the more experienced. Unfortuneately, no matter how perfect your interlock is, you'll always have that little bump when you walk over it.
I think this is a good effort but won't help may people. Floors won't always be where you mad them or at that level. Your design also uses up most of the boxes which is a big problem. -Maybe you could have also geomerged all of these into the ground so it makes a very low floor. This would be annoying for you but would help many others and ensure some downloads
Yes, but some people are inexperienced at interlocking. So i thought id help them out and create a floor so they dont have to. I know the experienced forgers, but its only for people who WANT it. I didnt need a "low floor" Just one for an enclosed map. And some people dont use boxes for their structures.
Telling me dude. I've got this mean as floor. Fence walls, showing what under them, tunnels and so on but spent so damn long on the floor I can't be ****ed doing the rest of the map.
Neither am I. But i need to argue because its my map. I dont want to make enemies but your the one who brought it up. So i defended my map. Simple as that.
Looks nicer. Good Work and keep it up. In all honesty im suprised nobody released something like this. I was going to after my new map but you beat me to it. Bravo.
Could be useful for close range combat maps , just add walls and a roof, and it'll be awesome. I think this is useful for a lot of people.
Thanks Hulk. I think im gonna make a canvas map pack with ones that have custom walls that block off the main bases of foundry. And ones that have custom ceilings.
Dude I just had an awesome idea for a map canvas you can do. Alright make a flat interlocked surface outside of Blackout, yeah it'll take a lot of time and patience, but I'm certain that you will get thousands of downloads.