Dude, you just blew my mind! This map looks so awesome. I'm no MGS fan but, I am speachless at this maps awesomeness. 10,000/5 Will definitley DL when I get back from vacation.
Well, looks like there are two MGS Based maps now. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/18234-metal-gear-solid-shadow-moses-assault-map.html Nice to see more out there! I must say it looks quite cool, but I want to see how it plays. I especially like how you made the map similar to the actual fortress. Mine is more of a compilation of all the memorable sequences in the game, while yours sticks to one area. I'll be playing this shorty.
DUDE!!! I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES! This map looks bad ass! And help me out here, does MGS4 go back to Shadow Moses? I don't have a PS3 so I haven't played it.
Yes. I took screenshots with the camera in the game, and uploaded them to my computer. Like the good ol' times, eh?
Qhen I saw this on Bungie, I flicked past it because you only had one screenshot, but seeing ito n here in all its glory inspired me! It looks very close to the original Shadow moses, and I can say that knowing I've never played the original, but hey, I'vep layed the Smash bros stage....If that counts.
MGS4 is a great game and brings back all the characters and remindw you a lot of the first three. BTW the map is great and for sure downloading i love metal gear
Looks very similar great job on the remake but I'll have to download and see how it plays. Good job. DOWNLOADED
I don't know Metal Gear, but you win. 5/5 on the map. Though it could be better... you could of done it on Avalanche............
Phsyco Mantis' room and the place where you fight Vulcan Raven. Also, the sniper fight between Snake and Sniper wolf would be cool.
Second time. Out in the open field. Although the first meeting in that long hallway where Meryl gets shot would be cool too. (can you believe I haven't played MGS in nearly 10 years and I still remember all this?)
I honestly want to see a map that is meant to cover most of the storyline of Metal Gear Solid, from Snake's entrance through the warehouse facility, to the battle with Vulcan Raven's M1 Tank, and the fight with Sniper Wolf. Similar to my map, but better in every way. I have doubts that it would be plausible as Forge is still limited on parts and money. Give it a shot though.
the halo screens look great in the side by side comparasion. Great looks, I'll check out playability, DL, and get back to you
Established point and purpose- √ Fullfilment of said point and purpose- √ Weapons list - √ Pictures- √ Proper techniques used to make map look presentable- √ Originality- √ Tastefulness- √ Overall, I searched through pages of symbols for the font style, Georgia, to find the check mark to show how much I like this. It's gorgeous. I approve, and I approve again. I've not even played Metal Gear Solid, but this is enough for me. 5/5, bro. I rarely even give a rating before looking at a map in-game, but this is just beastly.
Thank you. That's a pretty beastly way to sum up what you think of my map! I appreciate all of the great feedback everyone is giving me, and I am actually planning on making a second MGS map.